Date: 09/08/2000 4:02 PM Subject: File No. S7-13-00 Dear SEC Chariman Arthur Levitt I wish to comment on the upcoming public hearing regarding the proposed "Auditor Independence" rules. I am, like many others are, an individual investor. I utilize the financial statements submitted to the SEC by companies of interest to determine their worthiness of my hard earned dollars. I pay limited attention to financial press-releases and conecentrate on the SEC docuements for the main reason that they have been approved/reviewed by an independent auditor. This brings comfort to me when I read those SEC documents - they represent a level of trust and competence that I assume is present in the numbers. If, even for a moment, I am unsure of the validity and truthfullness of those numbers I stop and move on to another company. I have no need for marketing and hype when I'm looking for metrics and honest facts. I support your endeavor of decoupling the Auditing services from the Consulting Services of various companies. The inherent conflict of interest present in such a business is plain to see - similar in nature to the Selective Disclosure issue debated earlier this summer. I cannot and will not invest in any company whose Auditors have such buisness arrangements, yet I am powerless to stop such a practice. You, Mr. Levitt, are in a position to stop such a practice. I, along with the millions of other individual investors, support you. --J. Frechette