Date: 09/06/2000 2:33 PM Subject: S7-13-00 I want to express my oposition to this proposed SEC ruling which would prohibit providing non-audit services to the firm's attest clients. This ruling would effectively eliminate our firm from providing needed services to our clients on a cost effective basis. Small clients like ours can not afford to hire the expertise that this rule would require, and few firms will indeed even offer to provide these services. Of course indenpendence is important, but these rules have been suggested without any evidence whatsoever that the prohibited services compromise independence. The overall impact of these proposed rules will be to reduce the service available to a large number of smaller firms and actually hurt the investing public that they are intended to protect. David A. Duryee, Principal Moss Adams LLP 1001 - 4th Ave. Suite 2700 Seattle, WA 98154-1199