Date: 08/26/2000 8:32 AM Subject: S7-13-00 I am a CPA not currently engaged in public accounting. I am a division controller of a NYSE listed company. I find the proposed rule burdensome and anti-competitive. It would restrict our choices for specialized help. For some issues and areas of expertise, there are already limited sources of outside help, and this rule would further limit those choices. Further, it appears that the SEC is acting without any evidence indicating that there is a problem in this area. I would think it would be smarter to put limited resources to work solving real problems, rather than assuming that there must be a problem in this area. From my experience, both in industry and previously with a large public accounting firm, the services in question serve to improve the quality of audits, if anything, because of the greater familiarity with the client. In 26 years of experience, I have not observed even one incident where audit independence and independent judgment were compromised. Please count my voice as one opposed to the measures in the proposed rule. Roger Corless