Date: 08/22/2000 11:06 AM Subject: S7-13-00 I am in total support of the SEC proposed rules changes regarding consulting for audit clients. The only negative that I see is that it does not go far enough. As a CPA and a member of the AICPA, I take issue with the AICPA stance on these issues as they are simply parroting the views of the big 5 firms. I worked for two of the then big 8, firms and I have seen them prostitute themselves many times for audit fees (these were the days when consulting was in its infancy). Once for as little as $15,000 in audit fees. I can only imagine what they would do when millions of dollars of audit and consulting fees are at stake. INDEPENDENCE at this level is an oxymoron. Audit firms of public companies should not, in my opinion, be allowed to perform any consulting work for their public company clients. Doesn't this also fly in the face of a recent peer review ruling, that the AICPA made, which prohibits a reviewer from performing pre issuance engagement reviews for a review client? While I totally agree with this ruling, I can not reconcile it to the current stand on consulting by the big 5 on their publicly held audit clients! Sincerely, William V. Allen, Jr., CPA