From: Don Beasley [] Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 4:41 PM To: Subject: File No. S7-11-04 Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20549-0609. Dear Mr. Katz, As an asset manager of close to a billion dollars, I strongly believe that the proposed 2% redemption fee has many more harmful effects that potentially posiitve outcomes. We have three mtual funds and have NEVER found that some trading in our accounts have any material effects on our management of the funds. Secondly, I can see that this is a BENEFIT to the mutual fund companies (we/they don't need that type of charity). I strongly urge you to consider the many potential bad outcomes for the AVERAGE investor (and advantages for the fund companies) that may occur with the passage of the 2% redemption fee. Fair value pricing is much more effective in quashing short term trading of funds than a redemption fee ever will be. We (mutual fund managers) have all the tools we need to control abusive trading of our fund shares. We need only use them to be effective. Thank you, Don Beasley 800-222-7636