From: Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 7:38 PM To: Subject: National Market System (s7-10-04) I read The address that the CEO of the New York Stock Exchange delieverd to the Society of American Business Editors and Writers. I cannot, as an investor, believe that our Government has abandoned all reason. I thought your mandate was and is to protect the investor and maintain the integrity of our markets. By allowing those that are charged with managing the funds and livelihood of our citizens to take advantage of that position in order to line their own pockets is beyond reason. If the commission removes any part of the Trade through rule the result will be the destruction of the US markets and their global presence It would be intresting to ask those broker dealers that advocate the removal of the trade through rule if they would buy or sell at an inferior price for their own account with their own money. I doubt an honest answer would be given. Anyone who ignores best price for a customer has thier own agenda. Michele Trevor