From: Bill Williams Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 8:13 AM Subject: Confused I read in the 'Washington Post' (4.12.02), under (A Break for Web Based Financial Adivisors) sub-title (SEC Proposes Rule That Would Allow Firms to By-Pass Registration With States), page E5. What are you folks thinking????? Less regulation on these people that float the ads that will make you rich in a short period of time in today's environment of conflict of interest? It's insanity. I suggest you read some these ridiculous claims that come daily to million of investors via the Postal Service, and cyber e-mail. As one dummy who has lost substantial sums in market from the likes of Michael Murphy and Sagami's Scientific Investing, to the SEC, I plead, please, not less regulation. You only encourage these so called 'financial advisors' to skew recommendations and information to investors who learn slowly at the risk of losing retirement funds. How about a recommendation of Global Crossing which was the top of one of the 'financial list'. Now there's a hot tip. Sure, I have finally learned my lesson, at great loss I might add, but what about all those who have not? You guys at the SEC need to continue and tighten your oversight. This is not a complaint against the two financial advisors named, since I no longer deal with these people, have learned an expensive lesson, and have no desire to get wound up in some kind of litigation. I have no funds left for that. My only purpose in sending this is to alert you folks that there is a problem, if you don't already know.