Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:47 PM Subject: 12B-1 (s7-09-04) I am writing in response to the proposed legislation regarding the elimination of 12B-1 fees in Mutual Funds - The Mutual Fund Reform Act of 2004. Please do not pass this Act as it is written. I believe that the public, and that includes me, will not be served if 12B-1s are eliminated. Brokers who want to get around this legislation will just go to shifting people from fund to fund and get paid anyway. The brokers that are honest and operate their businesses with integrity will not be able to offer the service and care to clients in the same way any longer. Hence, the public will suffer. I believe that Congress and/or the SEC would be doing a grave injustice to the public if 12B-1s fees are eliminated or lowered. Any impact on the 12B-1 fees would, I believe, have a devastating impact on the financial services industry and thereby the investing public. If you get rid of 12B-1 fees then front end loads may simply go higher. I know that if 12B-1 fees are eliminated many people will lose their jobs. Debbie Hunt-Scribner