Subject: File No. S7-06-04
From: Thomas J Tingey

March 30, 2005

Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary
Securities and Exchange Commission

Secretary Katz,

I would like to emphatically add my voice in opposition to the proposed additional fee disclosure requirement being proposed for mutual funds and variable products. As a registered representative, I find the disclosure in the fund prospectus to be complete and adequate and it helps me to get a client into the prospectus to review ALL pertinent information. A separate disclosure adds nothing, and, in my opinion, takes attention away from the broader disclosure of the prospectus. I am concerned that a single sheet will add nothing to necessary information and will focus more on costs which are best seen in the context of historical returns and fund objectives which in turn help me focus on matching the clients objectives. Please reconsider this proposal in the light of the additional value to the buyer. I am sorry but I see none.

Thomas J Tingey
Registered representative