From: Mat Hargett []
Sent: February 22, 2004
Subject: File No. S7-06-04

To whom it may concern:

I am a small investor who would like to make a few comments about the abovementioned requirements.

After reading the over-abundance of information on the mutual fund scandals, I was happy to read that the SEC is going to hold investor focus groups. I hope that you continue to plan on holding these focus groups - I believe the most important thing that you will do prior to rule making.

Another issue - requiring companies to give investors cost and payment information compared to similar funds - is only somewhat relevant. There will be only one fund that cannot find another fund with higher fees. Thus, I hope that you require all funds to show costs/fees of there funds compared to an index fund that that fund benchmarks itself against. Only this way will the customer (investor) see what they are paying for in order to obtain "superior" financial investment experience.

Finally, please make the required costs/fees/payment disclosures easy to find, read and compare from fund to fund.

Thank you,
Mat Hargett
8584 Gosling Way
Powell, OH 43065-8653