From: Laurie [] Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 10:11 AM To: Cc: Subject: S7-03-04: I am in favor of an outside party overseeing the mutual funds. When a man has to choose between money going into his pocket or someone else's pocket, almost always, he will choose his own pocket. Money corrupts good character and most men don't have the power to resist the temptation of taking the money, as has been proven time and again. The guidelines for the overseer(s) should be as strict as possible without possible political or monetary gain going to those chosen. I'd like to see the SEC create guidelines for CEO's and boards of companies. This is also a place where personal greed and cronyism collides with the interest of the employees and stockholders of companies. The ones on display now, of course, are Enron, WorldCom, Tyco. and Health South. Delta Air Lines would be a good example of a company that skirted the law and put money in the top executives coffers, without regard to stockholders or employees. There must be laws in place, without loopholes. This is a concern for many Americans. It's a snake about to strike and many political careeers will rest on how many employees are affected by these loopholes. PeoplePC Online A better way to Internet