From: S. Auchincloss [] Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2003 7:04 PM To: Subject: SEC File # 4-463 Dear Mr. Jonathan Katz, I am writing in support of the rulemaking petition (SEC File # 4-463) submitted by the Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment. The Sierra Club is both an investor and an environmental campaigning organization. With better disclosure we could be better investors as well as better campaigners. The Rose Foundation petition recommends the SEC adopt the requirement that companies report according to the standards developed by the American Society of Testing and Materials for evaluating and disclosing environmental liabilities. Every investor who breaths the air and drinks the water of the United States needs the Commission to take action requiring the reporting of financially material environmental liabilities. These liabilities are under-reported by SEC registrants. For example, in March 2001, the United States Environmental Protection Agency released a report that demonstrated that 74% of companies facing environmentally-related legal actions contemplated or initiated by a governmental agency seeking $100,000 or more, do not adequately disclose these liabilities to shareholders as mandated by SEC Regulation S-K, Item 303. As if that were not bad enough, the same report showed that 96% of publicly traded companies facing Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA) corrective actions failed to accurately disclose these liabilities. Companies failing to report environmental liabilities often seek to justify their conduct by maintaining that such liabilities are difficult or impossible to quantify. Many companies also currently hide environmental liabilities from investors by practicing piecemeal accounting - where each environmental liability is evaluated in isolation and deemed immaterial, even when the sum of all environmental liabilities is huge. The new environmental and reporting guidelines developed by the American Society for Testing and Materials would close these loopholes. By incorporating these consensus-based, industry-generated standards, the Commission would enhance investor confidence by helping to ensure that material environmental liabilities are accurately and consistently reported. I urge the Commission to initiate rulemaking to define environmental materiality based on the ASTM guidelines as soon as possible, for our families and for our future. Sincerely, Stuart Auchincloss Stuart Auchincloss, 367 Strawtown Road, New City, NY 10956 Tel. (845) 639-6972, Fax (845) 639-7032 Want to see something interesting? Check out the Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter Website: To learn more about the Sustainable (Corporate) Governance Campaign visit: