From: rwporter [] Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 4:18 PM To: Subject: Petition for Rulemaking (SEC File No. 4-461) I support the petition strengthening the voting rights of shareholders in the selection or removal of company officers and board members. If shareholders had been fairly represented I doubt the CEO of JDSU would have received a bonus of $170 million while presiding over the devaluation of the company's stock price from $133 per share to less than $3 per share. What can any human being do to actually be worth $170 million in bonuses alone? Informed shareholders could not possibly have approved of such excess! It is time to empty the CEO feed trough! Place shareholder concerns on the ballot, and reintroduce accountability in the executive offices of American corporations. I would also recommend the practice of counting missing proxy votes as "Yes" votes on company proposals, be ended permanently! If we entertained such a procedure in national elections for president, the incumbent would remain in office, forever! All those who did not vote would be counted as having voted in favor of the current administration and its leaders.These, added to those who voted in favor of the current administration, would insure no change could ever take place.