Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 5:52 PM Subject: Petition for Democracy in Corporate Elections Dear Mr. Katz, I am writing to express my support for the Petition for Democracy in Corporate Elections. As a financial advisor and concerned American, I am outraged by the lack of integrity and self-dealing of corporate leaders who have put their own interests before those of the shareholders. Regretfully, recent scandals at Enron, WorldCom and others are just symptoms of a much larger disease within corporate America. The disease which has for sometime ate at the health of the American economy is the lack of accountability by management and the board of directors to shareholders. This lack of accountability manifests itself in the form of deceptive accounting, excessive executive loans and compensation, executive conflicts of interest, reduced corporate earnings, and general mismanagement. Perhaps the single most important way to address this lack of accountability is to allow board of directors to be nominated and elected by the shareholders. Under the current system directors are nominated and selected by corporate officers and management. How can a director who is hand picked by management effectively oversee management. These hand-picked candidates are placed on the company's ballot whereas other potential board candidates must conduct an effective proxy contest that runs around $250,000 just to be put on the ballot. What is the point of a shareholder vote if the shareholders only get to vote for the candidates selected by management? Please act now and act decisively to support the repeal of Rule 14a- 8(i)8. The strength of our nation ultimately depends upon the strength of our economy. This in turn is dependent upon the integrity of the corporations that account for the vast majority of economic activity in this country. By allowing a truly independent board of directors, you would provide shareholders the ability to take back control of their companies and protect against future abuses of power by fraudulent executives. Thanks for your consideration, Patrick T. Christensen, MBA, CPA, CFP Independent Financial Solutions LLC 2505 East 3300 South, Suite 301 (801) 487-4536 (Phone) (801) 487-6272 (Fax)