From: Peter Buchta [] Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 11:43 AM To: Subject: Petition for Rulemaking (SEC File No. 4-461) Dear Mr. Katz: Please note my support for the Petition for Rulemaking (SEC file No. 4-461) submitted by the Committee of Concerned Shareholders and Mr. James McRitchie. Will companies voluntarily make it realistically possible for shareholders to elect directors not selected by management and /or incumbent directors? More and more CEO's have violated their trust and demonstrated a complete lack of integrity. A few corporate theives are completely wiping out the retirement accounts of countless good, hard working Americans. The growing number of scandals seems to increase as the weeks go on, with a new one occurring weekly. Some thing has to be done to stop the sham. I have withdrawn all of my remaining 401k assets and have placed them into CDs!!! I cannot trust in our current financial system anymore until someone puts their foot down, like we did in Iraq, and puts an end to "Corporate Terrorism". Sincerely yours, Peter John Buchta