From: Ed Dodds Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 7:38 PM Subject: Do it, Signed Edward Dodds Shareholders Unite! Shareholders should be entitled to nominate and elect truly independent Directors --- those who are not beholden to Management and/or fellow Directors for their selection, retention and/or the financing of their proxy solicitation efforts. Will corporations voluntarily make it realistically possible for Shareholders to elect Directors not selected by Management and/or incumbent Directors? The last time someone voluntarily relinquished real power was in 1798 --- George Washington resigned from office. On August 2, 2002, the Committee and James McRitchie jointly filed a formal Petition for Rulemaking with the SEC whereby it was requested, in substance, that Rule 14a-8(i)8 be eliminated. You may obtain copy of the Petition for Rulemaking and Description of Proposed Amendments by contacting the Committee or, on the web, at CorpGov.Net. Will the SEC modify SEC Rule 14a-8(i) to provide Shareholders with a level playing field? It all depends on you! Join us with our efforts. Please e-mail (1) Mr. Harvey L. Pitt, Chairman and/or (2) Mr. Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary, at the SEC, indicating that you support the Petition for Rulemaking submitted by the Committee and James McRitchie. If YOU want corporate governance to improve, YOU must take action to improve it. Otherwise, after a cooling off period, corporations and their Boards of Directors will go back to "business as usual." Committee of Concerned Shareholders P.O. Box 2171 Culver City, CA 90231-2171