Date: 12/17/97 10:09 AM Subject: s7-26-97 / Home Depot I'm writing to give you my input on HR 944 and HR 945 which I just heard about. Rep Paul Gillmor's asinine idea is obviously to further his own social agenda. Two of the main reasons his idea is so stupid is because it will create a logistical nightmare and because it does a disservice to our associates. At Home Depot, rather than our board or some management committee making all the decisions on where we give, the company matches the charitable donations our 118,000 associates choose to make. This way, monies are going straight to the organizations of the communities where our people want them to go. To have our shareholders vote on this would be to overrule the good sense and values of our associates. And who's supposed to handle the logistics for this? Will we have to present a case for each charity? Discuss each one? Have a separate proxy and count all the votes for the two people in Vermont who got their $25 donations to the local YMCA matched? The way I understand it, these bills are the biggest waste of company resources. Gillmor should keep his values to himself and stop grandstanding and wasting our shareholders money. --James Grant, Mgr-Investor Relations