Subject: Bills no 944, no945 Date: 11/17/97 9:15 AM RE File No. S7-26-97 As the development director of a non-profit organization, I am puzzled about the benefits or reasoning behind these 2 bills. Certainly, the publication of the names of the organizations which a publicly traded company support would let shareholders understand the charitable philosophy of a corporation. For what purpose? I am not sure that the business acumen of a company and its charitable philosophy have any connection. The feasibility of shareholders participating in the selection of the charitable organizations which a company supports is preposterous. Educating the decision making employees of publicly traded corporations about an agency's mission is already a daunting task. Multiply that by thousands and what do you have? A slowed-down system which will serve to only hurt the beneficiaries of the charitable organization. We would have to add un-needed staff just do be able to educate shareholders. Not a good use of already stretched non-profit funds. I am against this bill. Thank you for considering this input. Paige Flink Development Director/Interim Executive Director The Family Place, an agency serving victims of domestic violence