Proxy Rules and Regulations From: Brian Minturn [] Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 1:45 PM To: Cc: Tommy Reeves; Dan Bryant; Graig Luscombe; Bonita Brown Subject: Proxy Rules and Regulations To the Commission- I want to express a strong interest in not only seeing the SEC vigorously pursue the subject of Press Release 2003-46, but for you to expand your review to include the flawed process of the proxy system related to all matters of corporate governance. The basis of my comment is the first hand observation of how corporations work their influence over the process to garner the votes necessary to ultimately create their desired outcome on the vast majority of issues. The second part of the situation that enables corporations to avoid a true unbiased and democratic basis of feedback is the fact that stockholders are by nature a divided, disparate group. The corporations exploit this disadvantage by not doing anything that would facilitate communication among stockholders. The SEC will hopefully do something to create a more level playing field. Respectfully, Brian N. Minturn CEO Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana 8401 United Plaza Blvd., Suite 302 Baton Rouge, LA 70809 Office: (225) 925-6454 Fax: (225) 925-3944 E-Mail: