From: Melissa Hill [] Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 2:37 AM To: Subject: (s7-10-03) Real Shareholder Democracy Mr. Katz, The Securities and Exchange Commission has said it will review proxy rules and regulations regarding the election of corporate directors. Current rules make it very difficult for minority shareholders to nominate candidates for the board of directors. The result is that in most board elections, there is only one slate of candidates ¡V picked by and for the current board. But now that the SEC has agreed to review how corporate directors are elected, I hope that it may consider ways to make it easier for minority shareholders to nominate directors and to gain some kind of proportional representation on the board of directors. Shareholder democracy matters and minority shareholders need greater powers to appoint directors to end a corporate election process that is operated for and by corporate insiders. I hope you agree on this matter and look forward to seeing the results of the SEC's review. Sincerely, Melissa Hill, conerned citizen _________________________________________________________________ Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online