From: Russell Trommer [] Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 2:03 PM To: Subject: File No. S7-24-99 Hello, The notion that OTCBB listed firms must report to the SEC / other authorities while the companies that make markets in these stocks are NOT so required is unconscienable to me. As a former market maker in fixed income and a student of capital markets I can say that the inequity of the situation is nothing short of staggering. Beside the fact that this idea was not brought up prior to 1999, I cannot believe that this has not been adopted yet and certainly suggests , rightly or wrongly, that someone's agenda is being catered to, and it is not the interests and welfare of the investing public or the listed companies. Capital markets are inextricably intertwined with democracy, and when corruption and deceipt infiltrate unchecked then we have a very serious cancer in our democratic structure. Capital markets exist to promote capitalism, innovation, production. They are not a trough for corrupt and unproductive practices as are exhibited daily in the OTCBB market. This situation is nothing short of disheartening. Why is corruption and unethical manipulation such a debatable topic. This should be a no brainer, and the ongoing discussions and lack of action seem to be further proof that, sadly, NASD really is by, for and to protect, ABOVE ALL ELSE, the securites dealers and their interests. God help, and God bless America. Russell Trommer -- --------------------------------------------------- Russell Trommer, Inc. 47 Mall Drive, Commack, NY 11725 631.543.1000 x252