LeavesFrom: Malcolm Steed [msteed@intertex.net] Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2001 8:41 PM To: rule-comments@sec.gov Subject: File No. S7-24-99, Release number 34-42037 If the SEC removes the Uptick rule I would expect shorting to get even more devastating. Also naked shorting is out of control where Market forces just create stock by sitting on the Ask selling all they can. Then manipulating the market to fall so they can cover what they have sold. If they can’t they spread the bid ask to unbelievable spreads to stop the interest and thus reduce the amount of resistance to take the price of the security down. This to me is the potential of gain that is the motive for Manipulating the market. Look at the state of the market now with Fund managers and a lot of people setting on the sidelines because shorting is out of control (along with naysayers). Shorting regulations should be tightened or allow joe public to participate. M Steed