Date: 09/18/2000 9:03 PM Subject: short selling SEC Rulemaking committee Of concern to many individual investors that I correspond with is short selling to manipulate short term price fluctuations in a security. This is being done constantly by many Market Makers in smaller securities. Granted we all know the necessity of this to keep markets liquid and smooth. I wholly agree with that concept. What I have observed is the abuse of naked short-selling by Market Makers to sell into market demand only to later deliberately drop the price of the same security to scare holders into selling so the Market Makers can cover their naked shorts. Maybe this is the proper way to do it. OK, I can live with that. What I don't like about the system in these small caps stocks is the Market Makers have no reporting requirements as far as their positions in any given stock. Part of due diligence is finding short positions and making a requirement that short positions on all securities by all Market Makers and Specialists on all listed and non-listed securities be reported and become public knowledge would go a long way in curbing the abuses now happening. Requiring the reporting of short positions in all securites would open the door behind which there seems to be a lot of games being played at the expense of all individual investors. TRhank you for listening Alan Snyder 1087 Dove st Toms River, NJ 08753