Subject: S7-24-99 Date: 03/06/2000 12:54 PM Why has this rule not been passed yet? The market makers' blatant disregard for the individual investor on the B.B. is so obvious. No one does anything to stop their stealing of our investments by their naked shorting. This is outrageous and if you could read all the comments from investors about this on stock boards, you would put that rule at the TOP of your agenda and get it passed asap. Plenty of evidence of their abuse was sent to you all last year..what will it take to get you to end this horrific practice? Only this Am, these theives have locked up BB stock after stock price, so no one can buy .. just for starts...NCTI...KAHI, PLFME and many many more...They do this to STOP buying when good news comes out, as with Kahi, which is not some junk stock as some there may think. There are so many good stocks on BB..not scams, and you owe it to the investors to protect their investments, not allow this legalized theft to continue. There are many of us who are very upset at this onesided, unlevel field, and would like to know what progress your offices has made in making it level? Believe me, I speak here for thousands of BB investors, some of whom don't believe this is even legal, and when others tell them it is..they feel their own government is on the side of close to criminal activity. As you know, some of the market makers have their cronies put negative messages on stock boards to stop buying...They defame good companies, small businesses here in America that are trying so hard to make a go of it and succeed. They have not only the big businesses to go up against, but the rules of the SEC which favor very unfair practices by a handfull of market makers, against American investors and small business going publc, in general. Could I please hear back from someone who knows the status of the "no naked shorting rule"? Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Sally Prescott P.S. hey just locked up PTSC at 4.00..and USVO at 9.00..This is getting out of hand and something has to be done. Why are buyers being denied the ability to buy these stocks? We need answers.