Date: 06/23/2000 1:01 AM Subject: S7-24-99 Name: Robert Meadow, individual investor Document created in Microsoft Outlook Please note, I feel that some degree of government intervention needs to occur whenever, like here, a small group or class of people or companies can almost completely control the effect that a market has on another group or class of people. While not a monopoly, there are monopoly-like power and effects that are occurring. Who gets hurt here? If you limit naked short-selling, the market makers will still make money. If you don't the individual investor will indeed get hurt and the penny stock market will not recover soon, hence new companies will find it hard to capitalize and new ideas and technologies will flounder, hurting our country and humanity. The bold individual will be hurt. There are few frontiers left for us. Don't destroy this one. We are a country of pioneers. Please don't allow this one of a few last strongholds of the pioneer spirit to die.