Author: "Mike & Laura Marshall" at Internet Date: 12/11/1999 8:05 PM Subject: S7-24-99 I want to comment on the above referenced proposed rule change. The NASD now requires all OTC small cap companies to be fully reporting to stay listed. This was done to protect the small individual investors. However, the biggest problem with investing in small companies is not the companies themselves , but the market makers. They are a bunch of greedy, ruthless and manipulating low lives. They are free to short stocks even though regular investors cannot. They can purposely hold down the price of a stock to suit their own needs. I have lost more money through price manipulation by market makers than anything else. They can also set the spread at whatever they choose to. I have seen some at 200 to 300%. So, if the intent is protect us individual investors, then the rules about shorting need to be changed. The companies' have been cleaned up, now let's clean up the market makers. Thank you, Mike Marshall (no affiliation)