Order Rule

Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change Amending Rule 6.91(c), Electronic Complex Order Auction Process Removing the Limitation on Who Can Respond to a COA and Provide a Response Time Interval of at Least 500 Milliseconds; and Rule 6.47A, Order Exposure Requirements-OX To Add Use of the COA for a User To Satisfy the Order Exposure Requirement in Rule 6.47A and Delete the Reference in Rule 6.91(c) to the Order Exposure Requirements-OX Being Separate From the Duration of the COA Response Time Interval

National Securities Exchanges, NYSE Arca (NYSEARCA)
National Securities Exchanges, NYSE MKT (NYSEMKT)

Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change Amending Rule 6.91(c), Electronic Complex Order Auction Process Removing the Limitation on Who Can Respond to a COA and Provide a Response Time Interval of at Least 500 Milliseconds; and Rule 6.47A, Order Exposure
Release Number
SEC Issue Date
Federal Register Publish Date
Document Citation

80 FR 32420

Last Reviewed or Updated: Aug. 31, 2023