
Reminder for Filers Who Obtain EDGAR Access During the COVID-19 Pandemic Pursuant to Temporary Final Rule 10(c)

June 9, 2020

Submit the Required Notarized Authentication Document Within 90 Days of Submitting Your Access Application

If you submitted (or plan to submit) an application for EDGAR access pursuant to temporary final Rule 10(c) of Regulation S-T between March 26, 2020 and July 1, 2020, due to inability to obtain notarization of Form ID during the COVID-19 pandemic, please be reminded to submit the required notarized authentication document as correspondence to EDGAR within 90 days of the day you submitted your application for EDGAR access. Failure to do so may result in suspension of your access to EDGAR. 

For example, if you submitted your application for EDGAR access on March 26, 2020 in reliance upon temporary final Rule 10(c), then you must file the notarized authentication document in EDGAR on or before June 24, 2020 (90 days thereafter) to avoid having your access suspended. Please check your records or login to your EDGAR account to check the date you submitted your EDGAR access application.

Please submit the notarized authentication document—a PDF copy of a notarized Form ID signed by an authorized person of the entity—as correspondence (CORRESP) on EDGAR. Instructions for submitting the notarized authentication document are available on the EDGAR - How Do I page of under the section “Save authentication document as a PDF File in Adobe Acrobat / Adobe Reader.”

If you have any questions, please send an email to EDGAR_Escalations@SEC.GOV with detailed information about your question as well as your contact information.

Last Reviewed or Updated: June 9, 2020