Draft 2015 FpML and FIXML Schemas for Security-Based Swap Data Repositories
The Commission has proposed to specify the form and manner with which security-based swap data repositories (“SDRs”) make security-based swap data available to the Commission under Exchange Act Rule 13n-4(b)(5) by requiring that the data be made available according to the FpML or FIXML schemas as published on the Commission’s website. See Release No. 34-76624 (Dec. 11, 2015), 80 FR 79757 (Dec. 23, 2015). Instructions for participating in the public comment process for the rule proposal are provided in the proposing release, available at http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/2015/34-76624.pdf.
The draft 2015 FpML and FIXML schemas for security-based swap data repositories and the corresponding draft technical specification are available at http://www.sec.gov/page/derataxonomies. Comments on the draft 2015 schemas and the draft technical specification may be provided by email to StructuredData@sec.gov and should include “Draft 2015 Schemas for SDRs” in the subject header. Please provide comments by February 22, 2016.
Last Reviewed or Updated: Jan. 11, 2016