FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 99-42 SEC Chairman Levitt Applauds Increase in Municipal Market Transparency Washington, D.C., April 29, 1999 - Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Arthur Levitt applauded today's announcement by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) concerning the increase in municipal bond trade data available to investors. "Transparency helps investors make better decisions and increases confidence in the fairness of markets. Transparency means more efficient markets, more trading, and more business for bond dealers. A sound and sensible approach to bond market transparency is in everybody's interest. I congratulate the MSRB for its continuing efforts to improve transparency in the municipal market." The MSRB announced today a proposal to make data available on individual transactions in securities that were traded four or more times on the previous day and is publishing samples of a new Daily Transaction Report for comment. The new Daily Transaction Report, upon SEC approval, would substantially increase the amount of available information on transactions in municipal bonds traded four or more times during the previous trading day. # # #