FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 99-127 Fact Sheet SEC Proposals Implementing Blue Ribbon Committee's Recommendations Regarding Audit Committee Effectiveness October 6, 1999 The Commission today proposed new rules to improve disclosure about the functioning of corporate audit committees and to enhance the reliability and credibility of financial statements of public companies. The proposed disclosures will help inform investors about the role audit committees play in overseeing the preparation of financial statements and underscore the importance of their participation in the financial reporting process. In addition, by requiring companies to have their auditors review interim financial statements, the proposals should facilitate early identification and resolution of significant accounting issues. The proposals are part of the Commission's continuing efforts to improve the quality of financial reporting. In his September 1998 speech entitled The Numbers Game, Chairman Arthur Levitt set forth an action plan to address certain abuses in financial reporting, better known as "earnings management." These proposals represent further progress on that plan. The Commission's proposals are part of a broader effort by the securities exchanges and the accounting profession to improve the oversight of financial reporting by corporate boards. Proposals for action by each of the different groups were set forth in the Report and Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Committee on Improving the Effectiveness of Corporate Audit Committees. The Blue Ribbon Committee was a prestigious group of business, accounting, and securities professionals led by John Whitehead and Ira Millstein. Today's proposals coincide with proposed rule changes by the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, and the National Association of Securities Dealers. The proposed rule changes by the securities markets would: * define "independence" more rigorously for audit committee members; * require audit committees to include at least three members and be comprised solely of "independent" directors who are financially literate; * require companies to adopt written charters for their audit committees; and * require at least one member of the audit committee to have accounting or financial management expertise. Last week, the AICPA's Auditing Standards Board proposed to require independent auditors to discuss with the audit committee the auditors' judgment about the quality, and not just the acceptability under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, of the company's accounting principles as applied in its financial reporting. The Commission proposed today to require, among other things, that: * companies' interim financial statements be reviewed by independent auditors before companies file their Forms 10-Q and 10-QSB with the Commission; * companies provide in their proxy statements a report from the audit committee that discloses whether the audit committee reviewed and discussed certain matters with management and the auditors, and whether anything came to the attention of audit committee members that caused them to believe that the audited financial statements contain any materially misleading statements or omit any material information; * companies disclose in their proxy statements whether the audit committee has a written charter, and file a copy of their charter every three years; and * companies whose securities are listed on the NYSE or AMEX or are quoted on Nasdaq disclose certain information about any audit committee member who is not "independent" within their proposed definition. (All other companies must disclose, if they have an audit committee, whether the members are "independent" based on the definition proposed by the SROs.) The public is requested to comment on the proposals within 45 days. For additional information, contact Meridith Mitchell at (202) 942-0900, or W. Scott Bayless or Robert Burns at (202) 942-4400. # # #