FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 98-96 SEC, NYSE and NASD Announce Blue Ribbon Panel To Improve Corporate Audit Committees John Whitehead and Ira Millstein to Co-Chair Panel New York, NY, September 28, 1998 -- The Securities and Exchange Commission, the New York Stock Exchange and the National Association of Securities Dealers are pleased to announce that the NYSE and the NASD will sponsor a "blue- ribbon" panel drawn from the various constituencies of the financial community to make recommendations on strengthening the role of audit committees in overseeing the corporate financial reporting process. This action was taken in response to recent concerns expressed by SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt about the adequacy of the oversight of the audit process by independent corporate directors. The panel of eleven members will be co-chaired by John C. Whitehead, former Deputy Secretary of State and retired Co-Chairman and Senior Partner of Goldman, Sachs & Co. and Ira M. Millstein, Senior Partner of Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP and a noted corporate governance expert. It will undertake an intensive study of the effectiveness of audit committees in discharging their oversight responsibilities and, within 90 days, make concrete recommendations for improvement. The panel's recommendations may include changes to listing standards with respect to the role and composition of audit committees, changes to the auditing standards with respect to how auditors and audit committees interact, new corporate disclosure requirements, and a formulation of "best practices." Chairman Arthur Levitt, who delivered a major address on the state of financial reporting on Monday at New York University, praised the actions of the NYSE and the NASD, saying, "The swiftness of their response indicates the type of financial community leadership we need to keep the American capital markets the deepest, most liquid in the world. I am confident that this group will produce tangible recommendations for improving audit committee oversight of the financial reporting process." "This initiative promises to benefit investors and public corporations alike," said NYSE Chairman and CEO Richard A. Grasso. "The New York Stock Exchange applauds Chairman Levitt and, as an institution that mandates the highest standards of corporate governance, offers our full support to the panel." --more-- SEC, NYSE, and NASD News Release September 28, 1998 Page 2 Frank Zarb, Chairman and CEO of the NASD, who also will serve on the panel, said, "The U.S. capital markets are the most successful in the world because of the integrity of each part of the capital formation process. The audit committees of our public companies play a vital role in this process and have served the investing public well over the years. In an increasingly complex and global marketplace, the role of the audit committees in overseeing the financial implications of corporate decisions will only become more critical." In response to their selection, John Whitehead and Ira Millstein acknowledged the importance of the task and affirmed their commitment to producing a blueprint for meaningful change. # # #