FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 98-71 Belinda Blaine Named Associate Director in the Division of Market Regulation Washington, D.C., August 4, 1998 -- Arthur Levitt, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, announced today that Belinda A. Blaine has been named Associate Director for the Office of Market Supervision in the Commission's Division of Market Regulation. She was most recently Counselor to Chairman Levitt and succeeds Howard Kramer, who left the Commission in July. Ms. Blaine has held various positions at the Commission over a period of eight years. In her positions as Deputy Chief Counsel, Senior Special Counsel to the Director of Market Regulation, and Counselor to Chairman Levitt, she has played a central role in developing the Commission's positions on financial services reform and oversight of the over-the-counter derivatives market. She has also been instrumental in updating the Commission's regulation of national securities exchanges and alternative trading systems. Chairman Levitt said of Ms. Blaine's promotion, "Belinda has distinguished herself in every position that she has held at the Commission. She has provided valuable counsel to me, and I know she will be a success in her new position." Ms. Blaine graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a B.A. from Pomona College, and a J.D. from U.C.L.A Law School. She is a member of the District of Columbia and California bars. # # #