FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 98-67 Press contact: John J. Nester (202) 942-7083 "Facts on Saving and Investing Campaign" urges Americans to get a "Ballpark Estimate" of Retirement Savings Needs Washington, D.C., July 27, 1998 -- The road to financial security starts with six simple steps. That's all it takes to fill out the "Ballpark Estimate," a one-page worksheet that helps people quickly calculate how much money they should save each year to retire with enough money. Created by the American Savings Education Council, the "Ballpark Estimate" helps people determine annual savings goals by simplifying complex calculations, such as earnings assumptions and projected Social Security benefits. The Facts on Saving and Investing Campaign was launched by a national coalition of government agencies, consumer groups, and business organizations to motivate Americans to get the facts they need to save and invest wisely, and avoid costly mistakes. # # #