For Immediate Release 98-61 SEC APPROVES PROPOSAL BY THE NASD WHICH ELIMINATES REQUIREMENT THAT EMPLOYEES MUST ARBITRATE STATUTORY DISCRIMINATION CLAIMS Washington, D.C., June 23, 1998 -- The Securities and Exchange Commission announced today that it approved a proposed rule change filed by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. that would amend Rule 10201 of the NASD's Code of Arbitration Procedure to remove the requirement that employees of broker-dealers arbitrate statutory claims of employment discrimination. The rule change will modify the current requirement that associated persons arbitrate all disputes arising out of their employment or termination of employment with a member broker- dealer. The rule change provides that associated persons are not required, solely by virtue of their association or their registration with the NASD, to arbitrate claims of statutory employment discrimination. The rule change will take effect on January 1, 1999. Over the past several years, employees and civil rights groups have raised concerns about the mandatory arbitration of employment discrimination disputes. After hearing from various interest groups, both in support of and in opposition to the proposal, the NASD filed its rule change with the Commission. Although the rule change does not affect private agreements that firms might enter into with their employees, notably, at least one major broker-dealer has stated that it will not require its employees to agree to arbitrate these types of claims. In announcing this rule change, Chairman Levitt said that "I believe that this rule is a big step in a positive direction. I would like to commend the NASD and Frank Zarb for taking a leadership role in addressing the concerns of employees, civil rights groups and members of Congress in protecting the rights of brokerage industry employees. I know that the industry is working hard to address this issue and I'm certain we can all agree that the rights of securities industry employees need to be protected. I encourage the other SROs to promptly change their rules to conform to those of the NASD." # # #