FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 98-60 SEC TO HOST ANNUAL GOVERNMENT BUSINESS FORUM Washington, D.C., June 19, 1998 -- The Commission today announced that the Seventeenth Annual Government Business Forum on Small Business Capital Formation will be held on Thursday, September 24, and Friday, September 25, 1998 in Chicago at The University of Chicago Downtown Conference Center, just east of Michigan Avenue on the north bank of the Chicago River. The Forum offers small business an opportunity to articulate its views and needs. The Forum's participants discuss ways to eliminate unnecessary governmental impediments to raising capital. Afterwards, a final report of the Forum's activities is prepared, which includes recommendations for governmental action. This report is provided to Congress and those governmental agencies that can craft the relief sought by the Forum. Over the years, many Forum recommendations have resulted in legislative and regulatory reform in the areas of taxation, securities regulation, financial services regulation, and state assistance programs. This year's Forum will focus on current issues in taxation, international and transactional financing, the impact of financial services/consolidation on small businesses, and early stage dealmaking/exit strategies and their impact on securities regulation. Sessions will be comprised of two parts, following a basic format that has been used in recent years. The morning sessions will offer a variety of roundtable discussions, each devoted to one of the four targeted topics. The remainder of each morning and the afternoon sessions will be devoted to discussion in small interactive break-out groups to permit Forum participants sufficient time to develop thoughtful recommendations. An opening general session panel will focus on the use of the Internet by small businesses. Participation at the Forum must be limited to 150 persons. Nonetheless, in view of its purposes, every effort will be made to ensure that each small business owner seeking to participate will be able to do so. In order to defray certain costs of the Forum, including the group luncheons and the welcoming reception, each participant will be charged $170. For further information, contact Barbara Jacobs or David Burton in the Office of Small Business in the Division of Corporation Finance at (202) 942-2950. Or, please send an e-mail message to the small business electronic mailbox at "". # # #