FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 98-54 Press Contacts: John J. Nester (202) 942-7083 Securities and Exchange Commission Denise Dimler (612) 296-6984 Minnesota Department of Commerce Figuring How Much Money to Save for Retirement Isn't as Hard as Many Think Securities regulators, financial pros urge Twin Citians to get a "Ballpark Estimate" Washington, D.C., May 22, 1998 -- The road to financial security starts with six simple steps. That's all it takes to fill out the "Ballpark Estimate," a one-page worksheet that helps people quickly calculate how much money they should save each year to maintain their same standard of living in retirement. The "Ballpark Estimate" was created by the American Savings Education Council (ASEC), one of more than a dozen consumer organizations, business groups, and government agencies hosting a free Investors' Town Meeting in Bloomington on Monday, June 1. "Once people understand their financial goals, they can begin to consider saving and investment products to match them," said Arthur Levitt, Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Levitt will offer practical tips at the town meeting on how to invest with confidence and guard against costly mistakes. Other speakers will include Minnesota Commerce Commissioner David Gruenes, U.S. Representatives Jim Ramstad and Bruce Vento, and experts from the financial services industry. A series of free investment seminars will immediately follow the town meeting, including a session on retirement planning presented by ASEC featuring the "Ballpark Estimate." The "Ballpark Estimate" helps people determine annual savings goals by simplifying complex calculations, such as earnings assumptions and projected Social Security benefits, into six easy math steps. For example, a 35 year-old working woman earning $30,000 a year with $2,000 already invested in a retirement account will find she needs to save roughly $143,000 to retire at age 65 and maintain her current standard of living. Assuming a 3% rate of return after inflation, the worksheet indicates that she should save $2,856 this year, or about $110 every two weeks. Financial experts say that an automatic payroll deduction plan will make it easier to save that amount. The Investors' Town Meeting will take place at the Radisson South Hotel, Interstate 494 and Highway 100, at 4:00 p.m., followed by seminars at 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Doors will open at 3:00 p.m. so attendees can pick up the "Ballpark Estimate" and other free investor education materials. Admission is free, but reservations are recommended because seating is limited. To make reservations, call (612) 257-7212. Reservations can also be made by fax at (202) 942-9634, or by e-mail at # # #