FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 98-22 SEC TO CONSIDER TWO ITEMS AT AN OPEN MEETING Washington, D.C., March 9, 1998 -- The Securities and Exchange Commission will consider two items at an open meeting conducted under the Government in the Sunshine Act on March 10, at 10:00 a.m. The meeting will be held in Room 1C30, at the Commission's headquarters building, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. The items for discussion are - whether to adopt amendments to Form N-1A. Form N-1A is used by mutual funds to register under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and offer their shares under the Securities Act of 1933. The amendments are intended to improve fund prospectus disclosure and to promote more effective communication of information about funds to investors. The amendments would focus prospectus disclosure on essential information about a particular fund that would assist investors in deciding whether to invest in that fund. The amendments would also minimize prospectus disclosure about technical, legal, and operational matters that generally are common to all funds. - whether to adopt Rule 498 under the Securities Act of 1933. The new rule would permit a mutual fund to offer investors a new disclosure document called a "profile". The profile would summarize key information about the fund, including the fund's investment strategies, risks, performance, and fees, in a concise, standardized format. The profile would offer investors the option of purchasing the fund's shares after reviewing the information in the profile or after requesting and reviewing the fund's prospectus (and other information). An investor deciding to purchase fund shares based on the information in a profile would receive the fund's prospectus with the confirmation of purchase. - whether to propose a new registration form, Form N-6, for insurance company separate accounts registered as unit investment trusts that offer variable life insurance policies. The form would be used by these separate accounts to register under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and to offer their securities under the Securities Act of 1933. Form N-6 would focus prospectus disclosure on essential information that would assist an investor in deciding whether to invest in a particular variable life insurance policy. The proposed form would also minimize prospectus disclosure about technical and legal matters, improve disclosure of fees and charges, and streamline the registration process by replacing two forms that were not specifically designed for variable life insurance policies with a single form tailored to these products. # # # Any member of the public who requires auxiliary aids such as a sign language interpreter or material on tape to attend a public meeting should contact Rochelle Franks, Office of Administrative and Personnel Management, to make arrangements. Ms. Franks can be reached at TTY number (202) 942-9558. If you are calling from a non-TTY number, please call the Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339.