FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 97-77 Press Contact: John J. Nester (202) 942-7083 SEC and State Securities Administrators Issue "Cold Calling Alert" Consumers warned about stock market phone fraud in bull market Washington, D.C., September 22, 1997 -- Warning that bull markets always bring out the crooks, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) are telling consumers to hang up on aggressive strangers selling investments over the telephone. The SEC and NASAA have jointly issued a "Cold Calling Alert," a brochure which cautions consumers to beware of stockbrokers who call you up, pressure you to buy, say they have "confidential" information, promise spectacular profits or "guaranteed" returns, or refuse to send you written information. All are warning signs for fraud. Cold calls are often made from "boiler rooms" by brokers using banks of telephones to reach as many people as quickly as possible. The Alert reminds consumers of their rights, and tells them how to put a stop to cold calls "whether annoying, abusive or downright crooked." Cold calling abuses represent the single fastest- growing category of sales related complaints received by the SEC, according to Nancy Smith, Director of the SEC's Office of Investor Education and Assistance. "This year's 23% increase is staggering when you consider most other complaints are down," Smith said. "We need to get rid of the boiler rooms. People need to hang up on bad brokers, and report them to the SEC or their state's securities administrator." Smith added that firms must put your name on their "do not call" list if you ask. "Today, too many Americans are being tricked out of their hard-earned savings by high pressure, scripted telephone cold calling techniques," said NASAA President Mark Griffin. "If you or anyone you know has ever been disturbed during dinner or another time by a persistent cold caller touting some `hot stock,' this brochure will help you fight back." Starting Monday (9/22/97), consumers can get a copy of the "Cold Calling Alert" by calling the SEC's toll free information line (1-800 SEC-0330). An on-line version is available on the SEC's website ( # # #