FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 97-69 SEC Chairman Levitt Praises ABA for Formally Denouncing Pay- to-Play State by State Effort Begins Tomorrow San Francisco, CA, August 6, 1997 -- In response to today's vote by the American Bar Association House of Delegates approving a resolution condemning pay-to-play by lawyers, Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Arthur Levitt issued the following statement: "I applaud the bar today for taking an important step in the right direction by condemning pay-to-play. Tomorrow we'll begin a national campaign against pay-to-play by working in every state to convince state and local bar associations to eliminate this odious practice. We'll look to New York state, where this initiative began, to be the first to answer the call and bring pay-to-play to an end. "The true test of the ABA's resolve to end pay-to-play will be the commitment of those appointed to the task force, the strength of the solutions they develop, and whether those solutions are adopted by the ABA next year. "Today's action is a victory for market integrity, for our country's investors, and for the many honest and hard working municipal bond lawyers. Michael Cardozo and the City Bar should be especially proud for having carried the banner of integrity through storms of opposition. Thanks also to Judge William Webster, former Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Chancellor William Allen for their dedicated and successful efforts to call attention to this issue." # # #