FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2000-109 DANIEL B. THORNTON APPOINTED ACADEMIC ACCOUNTING FELLOW Washington, DC, August 7, 2000 - The Securities and Exchange Commission's Division of Corporation Finance recently selected Professor Daniel B. Thornton as the Academic Accounting Fellow for a one-year term beginning August 2000. Currently, Professor Thornton is a professor at Queen's School of Business in Canada. He is also is a voting member of Canada's Accounting Standards Board and Associate Editor of The Accounting Review and Contemporary Accounting Research. Prior to joining Queen's University in 1993, Professor Thornton held the Alberta Chartered Accountants' professorship and was a Professor at the University of Toronto. He has held visiting appointments at University of British Columbia, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Concordia University and Osgoode Hall Law School. He holds a Ph.D. from York University and B.Sc. and MBA degrees from the University of Western Ontario. Before serving recently as President of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association, Professor Thornton received the Association's awards for both Distinguished Contribution to Accounting Thought and Outstanding Educator and was elected a Fellow of the Institutes of Chartered Accountants (FCA) in two Canadian provinces, Ontario and Alberta. Professor Thornton has appeared as an expert witness for Canada's Department of Justice in tax cases involving derivatives accounting, tax arbitrage and income determination. Professor Thornton's current research interests include various issues concerning market risk disclosures and accounting for derivatives and contingent liabilities. His research findings have been published in Contemporary Accounting Research, The Journal of Business, Accounting Organizations and Society, The Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Accounting and Business Research, Accounting Horizons, and a number of other international journals. At the Commission, the Academic Accounting Fellow serves as a research resource for the staff by interpreting and communicating research materials as they relate to various areas of interest to the SEC. In addition, the Academic Fellow has been assigned to ongoing projects in the Division of Corporation Finance, including rulemaking, liaison with the professional accounting standards-setting bodies and consultation with registrants on accounting and reporting matters. Professor Thornton will replace the current academic accounting fellow, Professor Patricia M. Fairfield, who will return to Georgetown University. # # #