SEC NEWS DIGEST Issue 2003-92 May 14, 2003 ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS COMMISSION SETTLES ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS BASED ON FRAUDULENT OFFERINGS AND ISSUES PENNY STOCK AND BROKER-DEALER BARS On May 14, the Commission instituted public administrative proceedings against Justin Marvul (Marvul), Michael Danilovich (Danilovich), James "Gennedy" Gaberkorn (Gaberkorn), and Vadim "Steven" Shapiro (Shapiro). In Orders Instituting Public Proceedings Pursuant to Sections 15(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Making Findings, and Imposing Remedial Sanctions (Orders), the Commission accepted Marvul's, Danilovich's, Gabrkorn's and Shapiro's Offers of Settlement and imposed the following remedial sanctions: (1) permanently barred Marvul, Danilovich, Gaberkorn, and Shapiro from participating in any offering of a penny stock pursuant to Section 15(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act); and (2) permanently barred Gaberkorn and Shapiro from association with any broker or dealer. Marvul, Danilovich, Gaberkorn, and Shapiro consented to the issuance of the Order, without admitting or denying the Commission's findings that they, together with other individuals, participated in a scheme to conduct a fraudulent offering of stock in Diagnostic Professional Imaging Services, Inc. Marvul, Danilovich, Gaberkorn, and Shapiro previously consented to entry of a Final Judgment of Permanent Injunction and Other Relief in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, which (1) permanently enjoins them from future violations of Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 (Securities Act), Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act, and Rule 10b-5; (2) orders Shapiro to pay $10,000 in a civil penalty plus $2,349.47 in post- judgment interest; and (3) permanently enjoins Marvul and Danilovich from acting as an officer or director of a public company (SEC v. Diagnostic Professional Imaging Services, Inc., et al, 00 CIV 4386 NRB). (Michael Danilovich - Rel. 34-47844; File No. 3-11113; James "Gennedy" Gaberkorn - Rel. 34-47845; File No. 3-11114; Justin Marvul - Rel. 34- 47846; File No. 3-11115; Vadim "Steven" Shapiro - Rel. 34-47848; File No. 3-11116) COMMISSION SANCTIONS JOHN KENNY AND NICHOLSON/KENNY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC. FOR ANTIFRAUD VIOLATIONS The Commission has found that John J. Kenny of St. Louis, Missouri, formerly associated with Pauli & Co., Inc., misrepresented and failed to disclose material facts to two individuals in violation of Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Exchange Act Rule 10b-5, and aided, abetted, and caused violations of those provisions through his involvement with Robert C. Wilson in a scheme to defraud two insurance companies. The Commission further found that Kenny and Nicholson/Kenny Capital Management, Inc., a registered investment adviser controlled by Kenny, violated Section 206 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 with respect to one of the insurance companies with which Nicholson/Kenny had an investment advisory relationship by ignoring their fiduciary duty and omitting material information in their dealings with the company. The Commission found that it was in the public interest to bar Kenny from association with any broker, dealer, or investment adviser; to revoke Nicholson/Kenny's registration; to order Kenny to cease and desist from committing or causing any violation or future violation of Section 17(a) of the Securities Act, Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act, and Exchange Act Rule 10b-5; to order Kenny and Nicholson/Kenny to cease and desist from committing or causing any violation or future violation of Section 206 of the Advisers Act; to order Kenny to pay a civil money penalty of $700,000 and Nicholson/Kenny to pay a civil money penalty of $700,000; and to order Kenny and Nicholson/Kenny, jointly and severally, to pay disgorgement in the amount of $1,333,000. (Rels. 33-8234; 34- 47847; IA-2128; File No. 3-9611) COURT ORDERS ESCROW OF EXTRAORDINARY PAYMENTS BY GEMSTAR-TV GUIDE INTERNATIONAL UNDER THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT On May 9, the Honorable Wm. Matthew Byrne, Jr., U.S. District Judge for the Central District of California, granted the Securities and Exchange Commission's application for an order requiring Gemstar-TV Guide International, Inc., to escrow for 45 days any extraordinary payments to any of its directors, officers, partners, controlling persons, agents, or employees pursuant to Section 1103 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Section 1103 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act provides that the SEC may, during an investigation into securities laws violations by a public company or an officer, director or other affiliate of a public company, seek a temporary order from a federal district court requiring the company to escrow "extraordinary payments" likely to be made to such person for 45 days or, if such person is charged with a violation of the securities laws, until the conclusion of the SEC's lawsuit. The Court's order places in escrow, subject to court supervision, approximately $37.64 million in cash payments that Gemstar previously agreed to pay to Henry C. Yuen, its former chief executive officer, and Elsie Leung, its former chief financial officer. [SEC v. Henry C. Yuen and Elsie Ma Leung, Case No. CV 03-3124 MRP (PLAX) C.D. Cal.] (LR-18135) SEC CHARGES FORMER OFFICERS OF LASON, INC. WITH FINANCIAL FRAUD The Commission announced today that it filed accounting fraud charges in federal district court in the Eastern District of Michigan against Gary L. Monroe, William J. Rauwerdink, John R. Messinger, and Robert T. Bassman, the former CEO, CFO, COO and Controller, respectively, of Lason, Inc., a document management company based in Troy, Michigan. The Commission's complaint alleges that during 1998 and 1999, Lason overstated its earnings in order to meet or exceed Wall Street expectations, culminating in the third quarter of 1999, when Lason's earnings were overstated by approximately 65%. When Lason revealed in December 1999 that it would not meet its earnings expectations, Lason's market capitalization fell by 53% or $234 million. Lason declared bankruptcy in December 2001 and is now owned by its creditors. According to the complaint: * In a scheme called "tailwind," Monroe and Rauwerdink instructed companies that were acquired by Lason to delay recognizing revenue until after the acquisition was completed and to pre-pay certain expenses before the acquisition, thereby artificially increasing Lason's earnings during the first, third and fourth quarters of 1998. * Monroe, Rauwerdink and Bassman improperly booked a forgiven loan as revenue for Lason in the fourth quarter of 1998. * Lason improperly claimed an invalid invoice as a legitimate receivable in the fourth quarter of 1998. When Lason's auditors questioned the legitimacy of the receivable, Monroe, Messinger and Bassman developed a scheme to obtain a check that improperly appeared to make payment on the receivable. * Lason made numerous fraudulent accounting entries in 1999, culminating in fraudulent Work in Process entries in the third quarter of 1999 that artificially boosted Lason's earnings by 65%. * The defendants profited from the scheme through their salaries as well as bonuses, stock options and executive loans that were affected by Lason's artificially inflated stock price. The Commission alleges that the defendants violated or aided and abetted violations of the antifraud, reporting, books-and-records, and internal controls provisions of the federal securities laws. Specifically, the Commission has charged Monroe, Rauwerdink Messinger and Bassman with violations of sections 10(b) and 13(b)(5) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act) and Rules 10b-5, 13b2-1 and 13b2-2 thereunder. The Commission has also charged Monroe, Rauwerdink, Messinger and Bassman with aiding and abetting violations of sections 13(a), 13(b)(2)(A) of the Exchange Act and Rules 12b-20, 13a-1, and 13a-13 thereunder. In addition, the Commission has charged Monroe, Rauwerdink and Bassman with violations of section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, and with aiding and abetting violations of section 13(b)(2)(B) of the Exchange Act. For these violations, the Commission is seeking permanent injunctions against the defendants, civil money penalties, disgorgement of all ill- gotten gains and losses avoided by the defendants plus prejudgment interest thereon. The Commission is also seeking an order prohibiting the defendants from acting as officers or directors of a public company. In a related action today, a federal grand jury indicted Monroe, Rauwerdink and Messinger for conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and make false statements to the Commission. Monroe and Rauwerdink were also charged with making false statements to the Commission. The Commission wishes to thank the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Michigan and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for their assistance in this matter. [SEC v. Gary L. Monroe, William J. Rauwerdink, John R. Messinger and Robert T. Bassman, Civil Action No. 03- 71840 USDC ED Michigan] (LR-18136; AAE Rel. 1781) SELF-REGULATORY ORGANIZATIONS APPROVAL OF PROPOSED RULE CHANGES The Commission approved a proposed rule change (SR-Amex-2003-14) and Amendments No. 1, 2, and 3 thereto submitted by the American Stock Exchange, and granted accelerated approval of Amendment No. 4 to such proposal, which establishes a one-year pilot for options intermarket linkage fees. (Rel. 34-47822) The Commission approved the proposed rule change (SR-PCX-2002-36) and Amendment No. 1 thereto, and granted accelerated approval to Amendments No. 2 and 3 to the proposed rule change submitted by the Pacific Exchange relating to the Exchange's new trading platform for options, PCX Plus. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of May 12. (Rel. 34-47838) IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVENESS OF PROPOSED RULE CHANGES A proposed rule change filed by the National Futures Association (SR-NFA- 2003-03) regarding the Interpretive Notice to NFA Compliance Rule 2-7 and 2-24 and Registration Rule 401: Proficiency Requirements for Security Futures Products has become effective under Section 19(b)(7) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of May 12. (Rel. 34-47825) A proposed rule change (SR-NYSE-2003-16) filed by the New York Stock Exchange to extend for an additional six-month period a pilot rule relating to arbitration has become effective under Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of May 12. (Rel. 34-47836) DELISTING GRANTED An order has been issued granting the application of the Pacific Exchange to strike from listing and registration certain call and put options contracts issued by The Options Clearing Corporation, respecting certain underlying securities of the following companies, effective at the opening of business on May 14: 1-800 Contacts, Inc. Papa John's International, Inc. South Financial Group, Inc. UltraTech Stepper, Inc. (Rel. 34-47839) WITHDRAWALS GRANTED An order has been issued granting the application of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company to withdraw its common stock, no par value, and preferred stock purchase rights from listing and registration on the Pacific Exchange, effective at the opening of business on May 14. (Rel. 34- 47840) An order has been issued granting the application of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company to withdraw its common stock, no par value, and preferred stock purchase rights from listing and registration on the Chicago Stock Exchange, effective at the opening of business on May 14. (Rel. 34- 47841) SECURITIES ACT REGISTRATIONS The following registration statements have been filed with the SEC under the Securities Act of 1933. The reported information appears as follows: Form, Name, Address and Phone Number (if available) of the issuer of the security; Title and the number and/or face amount of the securities being offered; Name of the managing underwriter or depositor (if applicable); File number and date filed; Assigned Branch; and a designation if the statement is a New Issue. Registration statements may be obtained in person or by writing to the Commission's Public Reference Branch at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 or at the following e-mail box address: . In most cases, this information is also available on the Commission's website: . S-8 AMERICAN IDC CORP, 9800 SEPULVEDA BLVD, STE 625, LOS ANGELES, CA, 90045, 3103420760 - 1,900,000 ($390,000.00) Equity, (File 333-105184 - May. 13) (BR. 08) S-8 GRAINGER W W INC, 847-535-1000 - 1,180,000 ($54,002,700.00) Equity, (File 333-105185 - May. 13) (BR. 02) S-4 FRONT RANGE HIMALAYA CORP, 47,749,311 ($785,241,816.24) Equity, (File 333-105186 - May. 13) (BR. ) S-8 EXPRESSJET HOLDINGS INC, 1600 SMITH STREET HQSCE, HOUSTON, TX, 77002, 7133242639 - 1,000,000 ($11,830,000.00) Equity, (File 333-105187 - May. 13) (BR. 05) S-4 MTR GAMING GROUP INC, ROUTE 2, PO BOX 356, CHESTER, WV, 26034, 3043875712 - 0 ($8,713,092.36) Other, (File 333-105188 - May. 13) (BR. 05) S-8 TUFCO TECHNOLOGIES INC, 4800 SIMONTON ROAD, P O BOX 23500, DALLAS, TX, 75244, 9727891079 - 0 ($2,070,000.00) Equity, (File 333-105189 - May. 13) (BR. 04) N-2 SALOMON BROTHERS FIXED INCOME STRATEGIC FUND INC, SALOMON BROTHERS ASSET MANAGEMENT INC, 125 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK, NY, 10004, 8007256588 - 0 ($15,000.00) Equity, (File 333-105190 - May. 13) (BR. 18) S-8 THERMOGENESIS CORP, 3146 GOLD CAMP DRIVE, RANCHO CORDOVA, CA, 95670, 9168585100 - 1,000,000 ($2,520,000.00) Equity, (File 333-105191 - May. 13) (BR. 36) S-8 TIDELANDS OIL & GAS CORP/WA, P E BOX 270234, CORPUS CHRISTI, TX, 78247, 5098918373 - 500,000 ($170,000.00) Debt Convertible into Equity, (File 333-105192 - May. 13) (BR. 09) S-8 SUPERCONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGIES INC, 460 WARD DR, STE F, SANTA BARBARA, CA, 93111, 8056837646 - 600,000 ($1,671,000.00) Equity, (File 333-105193 - May. 13) (BR. 37) S-8 ADVANCED REFRIGERATION TECHNOLOGIES INC, 1100 WEST KATELLA AVE., STE J, ORANGE, CA, 92867, 7149970397 - 615,000 ($18,450.00) Equity, (File 333-105194 - May. 13) (BR. 06) S-3 OMI CORP/M I, ONE STATION PLACE, 90 PARK AVE, STAMFORD, CT, 60902-6800, 2036026700 - 0 ($250,000,000.00) Unallocated (Universal) Shelf, (File 333-105195 - May. 13) (BR. 05) S-3 GATX FINANCIAL CORP, 500 W MONROE ST, CHICAGO, IL, 60661-3676, 4159553200 - 0 ($1,000,000,000.00) Non-Convertible Debt, (File 333-105196 - May. 13) (BR. 07) S-8 EMPYREAN COMMUNICATIONS INC, 2537 SOUTH GESSNER SUITE 114, HOUSTON, TX, 77063, 7132607236 - 5,200,000 ($104,000.00) Equity, (File 333-105197 - May. 13) (BR. 05) S-8 DANAHER CORP /DE/, 1250 24TH ST NW, SUITE 800, WASHINGTON, DC, 20037, 2028280850 - 1,000,000 ($69,600,000.00) Equity, 20,000,000 ($20,000,000.00) Non-Convertible Debt, (File 333-105198 - May. 13) (BR. 36) S-11 INTERVEST MORTGAGE CORP, 10 ROCKEFELLER PLZ STE 1015, NEW YORK, NY, 10020, 2127577300 - 8,500,000 ($8,500,000.00) Non-Convertible Debt, (File 333-105199 - May. 13) (BR. 08) S-8 DOUBLECLICK INC, 450 W 33RD ST, 16TH FL, NEW YORK, NY, 10001, 2126830001 - 0 ($3,101,000.00) Equity, (File 333-105200 - May. 13) (BR. 03) S-1 EQUITY GOLD TRUST, C/O WORLD GOLD TRUST SERVICES LLC, 444 MADISON AVE 3RD FL, NEW YORK, NY, 10022, 2123173800 - 0 ($2,001,656,000.00) Equity, (File 333-105202 - May. 13) (BR. ) S-8 ITT INDUSTRIES INC, FOUR W RED OAK LANE, WHITE PLAINS, NY, 10604, 9146412058 - 6,100,000 ($367,403,000.00) Equity, (File 333-105203 - May. 13) (BR. 36) S-3 GOLDEN STAR RESOURCES LTD, 10579 BRADFORD ROAD, STE 103, LITTLETON, CO, 80127, 3038309000 - 0 ($3,375,900.00) Equity, (File 333-105204 - May. 13) (BR. 04) S-8 MANPOWER INC /WI/, 5301 N IRONWOOD RD, MILWAUKEE, WI, 53217, 4149611000 - 4,500,000 ($150,165,000.00) Equity, (File 333-105205 - May. 13) (BR. 08) S-8 ADVANCED DIGITAL INFORMATION CORP, P O BOX 97057, 11431 WILLOWS RD, REDMOND, WA, 98073-9757, 4258818004 - 2,522,500 ($20,933,325.00) Equity, (File 333-105206 - May. 13) (BR. 03) S-3 PECO ENERGY CO, 2301 MARKET ST, P O BOX 8699, PHILADELPHIA, PA, 19101, 2158414000 - 0 ($500,000,000.00) Unallocated (Universal) Shelf, (File 333-105207 - May. 13) (BR. 02) S-3 ALLSTATE LIFE INSURANCE CO, 3075 SANDERS RD, SUITE G4A, NORTHBROOK, IL, 60062, 8474025000 - 0 ($200,000,000.00) Other, (File 333-105208 - May. 13) (BR. 20) RECENT 8K FILINGS Form 8-K is used by companies to file current reports on the following events: Item 1. Changes in Control of Registrant. Item 2. Acquisition or Disposition of Assets. Item 3. Bankruptcy or Receivership. Item 4. Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant. Item 5. Other Materially Important Events. Item 6. Resignations of Registrant's Directors. Item 7. Financial Statements and Exhibits. Item 8. Change in Fiscal Year. Item 9. Regulation FD Disclosure. The following companies have filed 8-K reports for the date indicated and/or amendments to 8-K reports previously filed, responding to the item(s) of the form specified. 8-K reports may be obtained in person or by writing to the Commission's Public Reference Branch at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 or at the following e-mail box address: . In most cases, this information is also available on the Commission's website: . STATE 8K ITEM NO. NAME OF ISSUER CODE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DATE COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABCI HOLDINGS INC DE X 05/13/03 ABERCROMBIE & FITCH CO /DE/ DE X X 05/13/03 ABRAXAS PETROLEUM CORP NV X 05/13/03 ACTRADE FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGIES LTD DE X 05/13/03 AGROCAN CORP DE X X X X 05/13/03 AI SOFTWARE INC NV X 05/07/03 AIR METHODS CORP DE X X 05/13/03 AIRPLANES LTD DE X 05/13/03 ALARIS MEDICAL INC DE X 05/13/03 ALASKA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS GROUP I DE X X 04/28/03 ALASKA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS HOLDING DE X X 04/28/03 ALLIANCE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT HOLDING L DE X X 05/13/03 ALLIANCE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT L P DE X X 05/13/03 ALLIANCE RESOURCE PARTNERS LP DE X X 04/25/03 AMEND ALLIED HEALTHCARE INTERNATIONAL INC NY X X X 05/13/03 ALPHANET SOLUTIONS INC NJ X X 05/12/03 AMCON DISTRIBUTING CO DE X X 05/12/03 AMEDISYS INC DE X X 05/13/03 AMERCO /NV/ NV X X 05/12/03 AMERICAN CRYSTAL SUGAR CO /MN/ MN X X 04/24/03 AMERICAN HONDA RECEIVABLES CORP CA X X 05/13/03 AMERICAN MORTGAGE ACCEPTANCE CO MA X X 05/13/03 AMERICAN MORTGAGE ACCEPTANCE CO MA X 05/07/03 AMEND AMERICAN OIL & GAS INC NV X 05/13/03 AMERICAN STATES WATER CO CA X X 05/13/03 ANTHRACITE CAPITAL INC MD X X 05/12/03 APOGENT TECHNOLOGIES INC WI X X 05/12/03 APPLIED IMAGING CORP DE X X 05/13/03 APPLIED MATERIALS INC /DE DC X X 04/27/03 ARCHSTONE SMITH TRUST CO X 05/13/03 ARIAD PHARMACEUTICALS INC DE X X 05/13/03 ARTISOFT INC DE X X 05/08/03 ASSET BACKED FUNDING CORP DE X X 05/13/03 ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATE SERIES 2003- DE X X 04/30/03 ASTA FUNDING INC DE X X 05/13/03 ASTEA INTERNATIONAL INC DE X X 05/13/03 ATMOS ENERGY CORP TX X X 05/13/03 BACH-HAUSER INC NV X X 04/09/03 BALL CORP IN X 05/13/03 BANKNORTH GROUP INC/ME ME X X 05/13/03 BETHLEHEM STEEL CORP /DE/ DE X X 05/07/03 BEVERLY ENTERPRISES INC DE X X 05/13/03 BIGMAR INC DE X 05/12/03 BIRDS EYE FOODS INC DE X X 05/13/03 BLOCK COMMUNICATIONS INC OH X X 05/13/03 BLOUNT INTERNATIONAL INC DE X X 05/13/03 BLUE RIVER BANCSHARES INC IN X X 05/12/03 BOCA RESORTS INC DE X X 05/13/03 BROOKSTONE INC DE X X 05/08/03 CALPINE CORP DE X X 05/13/03 CAMBRIDGE HEART INC DE X X 05/13/03 CANARGO ENERGY CORP DE X X 05/02/03 CENTIV INC DE X X 05/06/03 CENTRAL FEDERAL CORP DE X X 05/06/03 CENTRAL PARKING CORP TN X X 05/07/03 CENTURY CASINOS INC /CO/ DE X 05/13/03 CHARLES RIVER ASSOCIATES INC MA X X 05/06/03 CHENIERE ENERGY INC DE X X 05/12/03 CHESTER VALLEY BANCORP INC PA X X 04/16/03 CHILDTIME LEARNING CENTERS INC MI X X 05/13/03 CITY SAVINGS FINANCIAL CORP IN X X 05/09/03 CLAIRES STORES INC DE X X 05/13/03 CLAYTON HOMES INC DE X 05/13/03 CLAYTON WILLIAMS ENERGY INC /DE DE X X 05/13/03 CLEVELAND CLIFFS INC OH X 05/13/03 CLEVELAND CLIFFS INC OH X 05/13/03 COLLEGIATE FUNDING SERVICES EDUCATION DE X X 04/15/03 COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERT DE X 05/01/03 COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERT DE X 05/01/03 COMMUNITY TRUST BANCORP INC /KY/ KY X 06/30/03 COMPASS MINERALS GROUP INC X 05/12/03 COMPEX TECHNOLOGIES INC MN X X 05/13/03 COMPUTER SCIENCES CORP NV X 05/13/03 COMSTOCK RESOURCES INC NV X 05/12/03 CONSUMER PORTFOLIO SERVICES INC CA X X 05/06/03 CONTANGO OIL & GAS CO DE X 05/13/03 CORNING INC /NY NY X 05/13/03 CORPORATE ASSET BACKED CORP DE X X 05/01/03 CORPORATE OFFICE PROPERTIES TRUST MD X X 05/13/03 CORRECTIONS CORP OF AMERICA MD X X 05/12/03 COSI INC DE X X 05/28/03 COSMO COMMUNICATIONS CORP FL X 12/31/02 AMEND COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORP DE X 04/30/03 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON USA INC DE X X 05/12/03 CRIIMI MAE FINANCIAL CORP MD X 05/01/03 CSFB MORTGAGE BACKED PASS THROUGH CER DE X 05/13/02 CUMMINS INC IN X 05/13/03 DADE BEHRING HOLDINGS INC DE X 05/12/03 DARLING INTERNATIONAL INC DE X 05/13/03 DATATRAK INTERNATIONAL INC OH X X 05/13/03 DEERE & CO DE X X X 04/30/03 DEERE JOHN CAPITAL CORP DE X X X 04/30/03 DEL TACO INCOME PROPERTIES IV CA X 05/13/03 DEL TACO RESTAURANT PROPERTIES I CA X 05/13/03 DEL TACO RESTAURANT PROPERTIES II CA X 05/13/03 DEL TACO RESTAURANT PROPERTIES III CA X 05/13/03 DELCO REMY INTERNATIONAL INC DE X X 05/13/03 DELTATHREE INC DE X X 05/13/03 DEVCON INTERNATIONAL CORP FL X 05/14/03 DIALOG GROUP INC UT X X 03/01/03 AMEND DIAMOND OFFSHORE DRILLING INC DE X X 05/12/03 DILLARD ASSET FUNDING CO DE X X 04/15/03 DOBLIQUE INC NV X X X 04/28/03 DRIL-QUIP INC DE X X 05/07/03 DSL NET INC DE X X 03/13/03 EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES CORP DE X 05/13/03 EGL INC TX X X 05/13/03 EL PASO CORP/DE DE X X 05/13/03 EL PASO CORP/DE DE X X 05/13/03 EL PASO ENERGY PARTNERS LP DE X X 05/05/03 EMBREX INC /NC/ NC X 05/13/03 ENCOMPASS SERVICES CORP TX X X 03/07/03 ENZON PHARMACEUTICALS INC DE X 05/13/03 EP MEDSYSTEMS INC NJ X 05/12/03 EQUINIX INC DE X X 05/13/03 EQUITY ONE INC MD X X 05/13/03 ESCALON MEDICAL CORP DE X X 05/12/03 ESCO TECHNOLOGIES INC MO X 03/31/03 ESPEED INC DE X 05/12/03 ETHAN ALLEN INTERIORS INC DE X 05/13/03 EXACT SCIENCES CORP DE X 04/28/03 AMEND EXEGENICS INC DE X X 05/13/03 EXPERTELLIGENCE INC CA X 05/12/03 EXTENDICARE HEALTH SERVICES INC DE X X 05/08/03 FAIRMARKET INC DE X X 05/09/03 FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS INC DE X X 05/12/03 FEDERAL REALTY INVESTMENT TRUST MD X 05/09/03 FIRST M&F CORP/MS MS X X 05/12/03 FIRST TENNESSEE NATIONAL CORP TN X X 05/12/03 FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK COM MORT PA NC X 05/01/03 FISERV INC WI X X 05/12/03 FIVE STAR QUALITY CARE INC X X 05/13/03 FLORIDA PUBLIC UTILITIES CO FL X X 05/09/03 FORRESTER RESEARCH INC DE X 02/28/03 AMEND FOX ENTERTAINMENT GROUP INC DE X 05/13/03 FTD INC DE X 05/12/03 GALAXY INVESTMENTS INC CO X 05/07/03 GATEWAY FINANCIAL HOLDINGS INC NC X X 04/30/03 GENAISSANCE PHARMACEUTICALS INC DE X 05/13/03 GETTY REALTY CORP /MD/ MD X X 05/12/03 GIBRALTAR STEEL CORP DE X 05/01/03 GMAC COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE SECURITIES I DE X X 05/09/03 GOODRICH PETROLEUM CORP DE X X 05/13/03 GRAY TELEVISION INC GA X X 05/13/03 GREY GLOBAL GROUP INC DE X X X 05/13/02 GROUP 1 SOFTWARE INC DE X 05/12/03 HALLMARK FINANCIAL SERVICES INC NV X 01/27/03 AMEND HALLWOOD REALTY PARTNERS L P DE X 05/13/03 HAMPSHIRE GROUP LTD DE X 05/07/03 HANOVER COMPRESSOR CO / DE X X 05/13/03 HANOVER DIRECT INC DE X 05/12/03 HARLEY DAVIDSON CUSTOMER FUNDING CORP NV X X 05/13/03 HARLEY DAVIDSON CUSTOMER FUNDING CORP NV X X 05/12/03 HAYES LEMMERZ INTERNATIONAL INC DE X X 05/12/03 HOLLY CORP DE X X 05/12/03 HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST SERIES 2003-HE DE X 05/12/03 HOUSTON EXPLORATION CO DE X X 02/20/03 AMEND HUDSON HIGHLAND GROUP INC DE X X 05/07/03 HUGHES ELECTRONICS CORP DE X X 05/13/03 HUMPHREY HOSPITALITY TRUST INC VA X X 05/12/03 HY TECH TECHNOLOGY GROUP ING NV X X X 04/29/03 ICAD INC DE X 05/13/03 IGENE BIOTECHNOLOGY INC MD X X 05/06/03 IHOP CORP DE X X 05/09/03 IMPAC MEDICAL SYSTEMS INC X X 05/13/03 IMPERIAL PARKING CORP DE X X 05/12/03 INDUSTRIES INTERNATIONAL INC NV X X 03/10/03 AMEND INDYMAC MBS INC X X 05/13/03 INFODATA SYSTEMS INC VA X X 05/12/03 INPUT OUTPUT INC DE X X 05/08/03 INSILCO HOLDING CO DE X X 05/13/03 INSMED INC VA X X 05/09/03 INTEGRAL SYSTEMS INC /MD/ MD X X 05/13/03 INTEGRATED SECURITY SYSTEMS INC DE X X 04/23/03 INTELLIGROUP INC NJ X X 05/13/03 INTERDENT INC DE X X 05/09/03 INTERDIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS CORP PA X X 05/13/03 INTERLEUKIN GENETICS INC DE X X 05/13/03 INTERNATIONAL ALUMINUM CORP CA X X 05/13/03 INTERNATIONAL REMOTE IMAGING SYSTEMS DE X 05/13/03 INTEVAC INC CA X X 05/13/03 INTROGEN THERAPEUTICS INC X X 05/13/03 INTROGEN THERAPEUTICS INC X X 05/13/03 AMEND IPVOICE COMMUNICATIONS INC NV X 05/13/03 IRIDEX CORP DE X X 04/22/03 IRON AGE CORP DE X X 05/12/03 IRON AGE HOLDINGS CORP DE X X 05/12/03 J CREW GROUP INC NY X 04/17/03 JACKSONVILLE BANCORP INC /FL/ FL X X 05/06/03 JAMESON INNS INC GA X X 05/13/03 JENNIFER CONVERTIBLES INC DE X 05/07/03 KCS ENERGY INC DE X 05/08/03 KEY ENERGY SERVICES INC MD X 05/09/03 AMEND KINETIC CONCEPTS INC /TX/ TX X 03/31/03 KNIGHT TRADING GROUP INC DE X X 05/12/03 KNOT INC DE X X 05/13/03 KONTRON MOBILE COMPUTING INC MN X X 05/13/03 LABONE INC/ MO X 05/12/03 LACROSSE FOOTWEAR INC WI X X 05/12/03 LANGER INC NY X 01/13/03 LASER PACIFIC MEDIA CORP DE X 03/31/03 LEHMAN ABS CORP DE X X 04/30/03 LEHMAN BROTHERS HOLDINGS INC DE X 05/13/03 LONDON PACIFIC GROUP LTD X 05/13/03 LONGS DRUG STORES CORP MD X 05/09/03 LSI LOGIC CORP DE X X 05/12/03 LTX CORP MA X X 05/13/03 MACERICH CO MD X X 05/13/03 MACQUARIE SECURITISATION LTD DE X X 05/08/03 MAIL WELL INC CO X 05/13/03 MANTECH INTERNATIONAL CORP DE X X 02/28/03 AMEND MARISA CHRISTINA INC DE X X 05/13/03 MATTSON TECHNOLOGY INC DE X X 03/30/03 MAY DEPARTMENT STORES CO DE X 05/13/03 MBNA CORP MD X 04/30/03 MED-DESIGN CORP DE X X 05/12/03 MED-DESIGN CORP DE X X 05/13/03 MEDICAL STAFFING NETWORK HOLDINGS INC DE X X 05/12/03 MENTOR CORP /MN/ MN X X 05/13/03 MERCER INTERNATIONAL INC WA X 05/12/03 MERCER INTERNATIONAL INC WA X 05/13/03 MERIDIAN HOLDINGS INC CO X 05/13/03 MICROISLET INC NV X X 05/12/03 MIDDLETON DOLL CO WI X X 05/12/03 MILL CREEK RESEARCH INC UT X 04/18/03 MIRACOR DIAGNOSTICS INC UT X 05/13/03 MK GOLD CO DE X X 05/09/03 ML MACADAMIA ORCHARDS L P DE X X 05/13/03 MONMOUTH COMMUNITY BANCORP NJ X 05/13/03 MS STRUCTURED ASSET CORP DE X 05/07/03 NASB FINANCIAL INC MO X 03/12/03 NASH FINCH CO DE X X 05/12/03 NATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS INC DE X X 04/30/03 NATIONAL STEEL CORP DE X 05/13/03 NCO GROUP INC PA X X 05/06/03 AMEND NCO PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT INC DE X X 05/07/03 NESS ENERGY INTERNATIONAL INC /NV/ WA X X 04/25/03 AMEND NETBANK INC GA X X 05/13/03 NETWORK APPLIANCE INC CA X 05/13/03 NEUROGEN CORP DE X 03/31/03 NEW BRUNSWICK SCIENTIFIC CO INC NJ X 03/29/03 NICOLET BANKSHARES INC WI X X 05/09/03 NISOURCE INC/DE DE X 05/13/03 NOBEL LEARNING COMMUNITIES INC DE X X 05/13/03 NOBLE INTERNATIONAL LTD DE X X 05/07/03 OAO TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS INC DE X X 05/13/03 OFFICEMAX INC /OH/ OH X X 05/13/03 ON ASSIGNMENT INC DE X X 05/12/03 ONE LIBERTY PROPERTIES INC MD X 05/12/03 OPTION CARE INC/DE DE X X 05/13/03 OVERSEAS SHIPHOLDING GROUP INC DE X 05/13/03 P D C INNOVATIVE INDUSTRIES INC NV X X 04/14/03 AMEND P&F INDUSTRIES INC DE X X X 05/13/03 PAC-WEST TELECOMM INC X 05/08/03 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC CO CA X 05/13/03 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC CO CA X 05/13/03 PAXAR CORP NY X X 05/12/03 PENN TRAFFIC CO DE X X 05/12/03 PENNSYLVANIA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT T PA X X 04/28/03 PEREGRINE INC NV X X 05/12/03 PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT CORP NV X 05/12/03 PETROLEUM HELICOPTERS INC LA X X 05/13/03 PFSWEB INC DE X 05/12/03 PG&E CORP CA X 05/13/03 PG&E CORP CA X 05/13/03 PHYSIOMETRIX INC DE X X 05/13/03 PINNACLE WEST CAPITAL CORP AZ X X 05/13/03 POINT 360 CA X 03/31/03 PRICE LEGACY CORP MD X X 05/13/03 PRO FAC COOPERATIVE INC NY X X 05/13/03 PRO FAC COOPERATIVE INC NY X X 05/13/03 PROGENICS PHARMACEUTICALS INC DE X X 05/13/03 PROLONG INTERNATIONAL CORP NV X X 05/12/03 PROXIM CORP DE X X 05/05/03 QCR HOLDINGS INC DE X 05/13/03 QUOTESMITH COM INC DE X 05/13/03 RADIO UNICA COMMUNICATIONS CORP DE X X 05/12/03 REGISTER COM INC DE X X 05/13/03 RESIDENTIAL ASSET MORTGAGE PRODUCTS I DE X X 05/13/03 RESOLUTION PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS LLC DE X 03/31/03 REVLON INC /DE/ DE X X 05/13/03 ROFIN SINAR TECHNOLOGIES INC DE X 03/31/03 ROUNDYS INC WI X 05/08/03 ROUNDYS INC WI X 05/05/03 ROUNDYS INC WI X 05/08/03 RURAL CELLULAR CORP MN X X 05/12/03 SALIX PHARMACEUTICALS LTD X X 05/12/03 SALTON INC DE X X X 05/13/03 SCHERING PLOUGH CORP NJ X X 05/13/03 SHARPS COMPLIANCE CORP DE X X 05/13/03 SIX FLAGS INC DE X X 05/09/03 SIX FLAGS INC DE X X 05/09/03 SIZELER PROPERTY INVESTORS INC DE X X 05/09/03 SMITHFIELD FOODS INC VA X X 04/25/03 SONESTA INTERNATIONAL HOTELS CORP NY X X 05/12/03 SOUTHWEST WATER CO DE X 05/13/03 SPECTRASITE INC DE X X 05/12/03 SPIEGEL INC DE X 05/13/03 SRS LABS INC DE X X 05/13/03 STANDARD PACIFIC CORP /DE/ DE X 05/12/03 STATER BROS HOLDINGS INC DE X X 05/13/03 STEMCELLS INC DE X X 05/07/03 STONE ENERGY CORP DE X 05/13/03 STORAGE ALLIANCE INC NV X 05/13/03 STRUCTURED ASSET SECURITIES CORP II X X 05/09/03 STRUCTURED PROD CORP STEP UP TR CREDI DE X 05/02/03 SUSQUEHANNA MEDIA CO DE X X 05/12/03 SWANK INC DE X X 03/31/03 SYCAMORE NETWORKS INC DE X X 05/13/03 SYNBIOTICS CORP CA X X X 05/06/03 TEAM AMERICA INC OH X X 05/12/03 TEJON RANCH CO DE X X 05/09/03 TELEFLEX INC DE X X 05/13/03 TELLABS INC DE X 05/13/03 TERRA INDUSTRIES INC MD X X 05/13/03 TII NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES INC DE X 05/12/03 TJX COMPANIES INC /DE/ DE X X 05/13/03 TRACK DATA CORP DE X 03/31/03 TRICO MARINE SERVICES INC DE X X 05/09/03 TRIMERIS INC DE X X 05/13/03 TURBOSONIC TECHNOLOGIES INC DE X 05/12/03 TURBOSONIC TECHNOLOGIES INC DE X X 05/13/03 ULTRALIFE BATTERIES INC DE X X 05/13/03 UNITED STATES STEEL CORP DE X X 05/13/03 UNITED THERAPEUTICS CORP DE X X 05/13/03 UNIVERSAL CORP /VA/ VA X X 05/13/03 UNIVERSAL DISPLAY CORP \PA\ PA X X 05/13/03 US WEST HOMES INC NV X X 05/02/03 VAXGEN INC DE X X 05/13/03 VENTURE CATALYST INC UT X X 05/13/03 VERSO TECHNOLOGIES INC MN X X 05/13/03 VIA NET WORKS INC DE X X 05/09/03 VIA NET WORKS INC DE X X 05/12/03 VICON INDUSTRIES INC /NY/ NY X X 05/12/03 WAL MART STORES INC DE X 05/13/03 WATERSIDE CAPITAL CORP VA X X 05/08/03 WCI COMMUNITIES INC X 05/09/03 WCI STEEL INC OH X X 05/13/03 WHITE MOUNTAINS INSURANCE GROUP LTD DE X X 06/01/01 AMEND WHX CORP DE X X 05/13/03 WILD OATS MARKETS INC DE X 05/13/03 WILLIAMS COMPANIES INC DE X 05/13/03 WOMEN FIRST HEALTHCARE INC DE X 05/12/03 WORLD TRANSPORT AUTHORITY INC X 06/30/03 YORK WATER CO PA X 05/13/03 Z TEL TECHNOLOGIES INC DE X 05/08/03