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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

SEC News Digest

Issue 2008-188
September 26, 2008


Securities and Exchange Commission Suspends Trading in Wendt-Bristol Health Services Corporation for Failure to Make Required Periodic Filings

The Securities and Exchange Commission announced the temporary suspension, pursuant to Section 12(k) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the Exchange Act), of trading of the securities of Wendt-Bristol Health Services Corporation (Wendt-Bristol), of Columbus, Ohio at 9:30 a.m. on Sept. 26, 2008, and terminating at 11:59 p.m. on Oct. 9, 2008.

The Commission temporarily suspended trading in the securities of Wendt-Bristol due to the lack of current and accurate information about the company because it failed to file certain periodic reports with the Commission.

The Commission cautions brokers, dealers, shareholders, and prospective purchasers that they should carefully consider the foregoing information along with all other currently available information and any information subsequently issued by this company.

Further, brokers and dealers should be alert to the fact that, pursuant to Rule 15c2-11 under the Exchange Act, at the termination of the trading suspension, no quotation may be entered unless and until they have strictly complied with all of the provisions of the rule. If any broker or dealer has any questions as to whether or not he has complied with the rule, he should not enter any quotation but immediately contact the staff in the Division of Trading and Markets, Office of Interpretation and Guidance, at (202) 551-5777. If any broker or dealer is uncertain as to what is required by Rule 15c2-11, he should refrain from entering quotations relating to Wendt-Bristol's securities until such time as he has familiarized himself with the rule and is certain that all of its provisions have been met. If any broker or dealer enters any quotation which is in violation of the rule, the Commission will consider the need for prompt enforcement action.

If any broker, dealer or other person has any information which may relate to this matter, Gerald Gross, Assistant Regional Director, in the New York Regional Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission should be telephoned at (212) 336-0085. (Rel. 34-58654)

SEC Announces $32 Million Fair Fund Distribution in Ameriprise Revenue Sharing Settlement

On September 25, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced the completion of a nearly $32 million Fair Fund distribution to current and former customers of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. who were harmed by the firm's failure to adequately disclose revenue sharing payments from a select group of mutual fund companies.

Ameriprise was formerly known as American Express Financial Advisors Inc. Approximately 575,000 investors were affected.

"This distribution marks another significant step in the Commission's program to return money to investors injured by improper mutual fund practices," said Merri Jo Gillette, Regional Director of the Chicago Regional Office.

The Fair Fund provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 provided the SEC with authority to distribute financial penalties to injured investors. Since 2002, the SEC has distributed more than $4 billion to injured investors.

"This case demonstrates that regardless of the manner in which investors were harmed, we will do everything possible to return funds to them from wrongdoers," said Dick D'Anna, Director of the SEC's Office of Collections and Distributions.

The SEC brought settled administrative and cease-and-desist proceedings against Ameriprise on Dec. 1, 2005, for failing to adequately disclose its receipt of revenue sharing payments by affiliates of a select group of mutual fund families and administrators of 529 plans. Ameriprise consented to the entry of the SEC's order without admitting or denying the SEC's findings. The order found that between January 2001 and August 2004, Ameriprise did not adequately disclose to its customers that it received tens of millions of dollars each year in revenue sharing payments from affiliates of these mutual fund families for, among other things, inclusion on Ameriprise's brokerage platform. The SEC's order required Ameriprise to pay disgorgement and prejudgment interest of $15 million and financial penalties of $15 million into a Fair Fund for distribution to benefit customers of Ameriprise and to retain an independent consultant to administer the Fair Fund.

On April 9, 2008, the SEC approved a distribution plan, and appointed Nelson S. Kibler as the fund administrator responsible for distributing the Fair Fund. Eligible customers' shares of the Fair Fund have been calculated based upon the amount of money each customer invested in certain mutual fund families' mutual funds and 529 plans. Current customers who have active accounts with Ameriprise have received electronic distributions directly to their accounts at Ameriprise. Customers who no longer have active accounts with Ameriprise have been mailed checks to their last-known addresses. With today's final distributions, investors will receive all disgorgement, prejudgment interest, and civil penalties paid by Ameriprise, plus accumulated interest.

Further information about the distribution can be obtained on Ameriprise's public website at www.ameriprise.com/funds.

Additional materials:

Distribution Plan: http://www.sec.gov/litigation/admin/2008/34-57341-pdp.pdf.

Order Approving Distribution Plan, Appointing an Administrator and Waiving Bond: http://www.sec.gov/litigation/admin/2008/34-57639.pdf.

Order Directing Distribution of Fair Fund: http://www.sec.gov/litigation/admin/2008/34-58388.pdf.

Order Instituting Administrative and Cease-and-Desist Proceedings against Ameriprise: http://www.sec.gov/litigation/admin/33-8637.pdf.

For more information, contact:

Merri Jo Gillette Regional Director, SEC's Chicago Regional Office (312) 353-9338

Robert J. Burson Senior Associate Regional Director, SEC's Chicago Regional Office (312) 353-7428

(Press Rel. 2008-229)

Closed Meeting - Wednesday, September 24, 2008 - 4:30 p.m.

The subject matter of the closed meeting held on Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2008, was: matters related to the financial markets.

Change in the Meeting: Cancellation of Meeting

The open meeting scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., has been cancelled.

At times, changes in Commission priorities require alterations in the scheduling of meeting items. For further information and to ascertain what, if any, matters have been added, deleted or postponed, please contact: The Office of the Secretary at (202) 551-5400.


Commission Adopts Technical Amendment to Item 407 of Regulation S-K

The Commission has issued a release adopting a technical amendment to Item 407 of Regulation S-K to change a reference to Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1 in Item 407 to the applicable requirements of the PCAOB regarding the independent accountant's communications with the audit committee concerning independence.

The amendment will become effective on Sept. 30, 2008. Publication of the adopting release is expected in the Federal Register during the week of September 29th. (Rels. 33-8961; 34-58656)


Commission Revokes Registration of Securities of Global Concepts, Ltd. for Failure to Make Required Periodic Filings

On September 26, the Commission revoked the registration of each class of registered securities of Global Concepts, Ltd. (Global Concepts) for failure to make required periodic filings with the Commission.

Without admitting or denying the findings in the Order, except as to jurisdiction, which it admitted, Global Concepts consented to the entry of an Order Making Findings and Revoking Registration of Securities Pursuant to Section 12(j) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as to Global Concepts, Ltd. finding that it had failed to comply with Section 13(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act) and Rules 13a-1 and 13a-13 thereunder and revoking the registration of each class of Global Concepts's securities pursuant to Section 12(j) of the Exchange Act. This order settled the charges brought against Global Concepts in the Matter of Atomic Burrito, Inc., et al., Administrative Proceeding File No. 3-13138.

Brokers and dealers should be alert to the fact that Exchange Act Section 12(j) provides, in pertinent part, as follows:

No member of a national securities exchange, broker, or dealer shall make use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce to effect any transaction in, or to induce the purchase or sale of, any security the registration of which has been and is suspended or revoked . . . .

For further information see Order Instituting Administrative Proceedings and Notice of Hearing Pursuant to Section 12(j) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, In the Matter of Atomic Burrito, Inc., et al., Administrative Proceeding File No. 3-13138, Exchange Act Release No. 58382 (Aug. 19, 2008). (Rel. 34-58653; File No. 3-13138)

Commission Orders Hearings on Registration Suspension or Revocation Against Wendt-Bristol Health Services Corporation for Failure to Make Required Periodic and Other Filings

In conjunction with today's trading suspension, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (Commission) today also instituted a public administrative proceeding to determine whether to revoke or suspend for a period not exceeding twelve months the registration of each class of the securities of Wendt-Bristol Health Services Corporation (Wendt-Bristol) for failure to make required periodic filings with the Commission.

In the Order, the Division of Enforcement (Division) alleges that Wendt-Bristol is delinquent in its required periodic filings with the Commission.

In these proceedings, instituted pursuant to Section 12(j) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act), a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At the hearing, the judge will hear evidence from the Division and the respondent to determine whether the allegations of the Division contained in the Order, which the Division alleges constitute failures to comply with Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act and Rules 13a-1 and 13a-13 thereunder, are true. The judge in the proceedings will then determine whether the registration of each class of the securities of Wendt-Bristol should be revoked or suspended for a period not exceeding twelve months. The Commission ordered that the Administrative Law Judge issue an initial decision not later than 120 days from the date of service of the Order. (Rel. 34-58655; File No. 3-13239)

SEC Settles Securities Fraud Case with Rey Salomon, Jr. and Ellen H Development LLC

On September 25, the Commission filed a civil action against Rey Salomon, Jr. and Ellen H Development LLC (EHD) alleging that they made material misrepresentations and omitted material facts regarding the use of investor funds in connection with the offer and sale of unregistered securities in an oil and gas drilling program. According to the complaint, the defendants violated the antifraud and registration provisions of the federal securities laws. The Commission also alleges that Salomon acted as an unregistered broker-dealer. Salomon and EHD have agreed to settle the charges against them, without admitting or denying the Commission's allegations.

From at least March through September 2007, EHD, at Salomon's direction, raised $903,195 from 22 investors through offers and sales of fractional interests in a "turnkey" oil and gas drilling program to be conducted in Denton County, Texas. The EHD offering was not registered with the Commission, and was not otherwise exempt from registration. In addition, the EHD offering documents included material misrepresentations and omitted material facts regarding the use of investor funds and the costs of the drilling program. Specifically, the offering documents stated that: (i) all investor funds would be used to drill two oil and gas wells; (ii) investor funds would not be used to pay the debts of EHD or Salomon; and (iii) the cost to drill the two wells was approximately $4.5 million. Contrary to the express terms of the offering documents, Salomon used at least $220,000 of investor money for his personal benefit, including the repayment of a loan made to EHD and Salomon to help capitalize EHD. EHD and Salomon also knew that the actual cost to drill the wells was more than $1 million less than the offering documents represented.

Specifically, the Commission alleges that Salomon and EHD violated Sections 5(a), 5(c), and 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act) and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. The Commission further alleges that Salomon violated Section 15(a) of the Exchange Act. Salomon and EHD consented to judgments that permanently enjoin them from future violations of these provisions and hold them liable, jointly and severally, for disgorgement of $903,195 plus $81,809 of prejudgment interest, for a total of $985,004. Based on the defendants' sworn financial statements and supporting documents, the judgments do not order Salomon and EHD to pay civil penalties and payment of $382,069 of disgorgement and pre-judgment interest was waived. [SEC v. Rey Salomon, Jr. and Ellen H Development LLC, Civil Action No. 3:08-CV-1695 U.S.D.C./Northern District of Texas (Dallas Division)] (LR-20747)

SEC Files Action to Enforce Subpoenas

On September 25, the Commission filed a subpoena enforcement action in federal court in San Francisco against Charles Adams, alleging he failed to respond to multiple subpoenas issued in a Commission investigation.

According to the Commission's application, on March 19, 2008, the Commission issued a formal order of investigation authorizing the staff to investigate whether Pegasus Wireless Corporation, its officers, and others violated Section 5 of the Securities Act, 15 U.S.C. § 77e, by offering or selling stock without a registration statement or exemption, and Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. § 78j (b), and Rule 10b-5 thereunder, by making materially false statements or omitting material facts in press releases and SEC filings about Pegasus' financing, business prospects, use of funds, and financial condition. Pursuant to three separate subpoenas issued to him by Commission staff, Mr. Adams was obligated to appear for testimony at the San Francisco Regional Office of the Commission and produce documents. Mr. Adams failed to appear for testimony on the required dates and did not produce any documents. The Commission's application seeks an order compelling Mr. Adams to appear for testimony and produce documents. [SEC v. Charles Adams, Civil Action No. CV-08-80189 MISC WHA, USDC, N.D. Cal. (San Francisco Division)] (LR-20748)

SEC Charges Thomas J. Smith for Fraudulent Matched Order Scheme

The Securities and Exchange Commission today filed a settled injunctive action in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia against Thomas J. Smith (Smith), a former investment adviser, alleging that Smith engaged in a fraudulent matched order trading scheme from March 2002 through December 2004. The Commission's complaint alleges that through his own investment advisory firm which has since closed, Smith breached the trust of his investment advisory clients, all of whom were Smith's relatives, and fraudulently misappropriated approximately $676,223 from those clients. The fraudulent trading scheme involved at least 554 matched orders in at least 43 different stocks among various brokerage accounts that Smith controlled and managed for his advisory clients. As alleged in the complaint, to accomplish his fraudulent goal, Smith used thinly traded stocks, and executed his matched orders in the less liquid after-hours market. The complaint alleges that Smith placed near- simultaneous matching limit orders to buy and sell the same security between his and his clients' accounts in order to misappropriate his clients' funds.

Simultaneously with the filing of the complaint, Smith consented, without admitting or denying the allegations of the complaint, to the entry of a final judgment that: (i) permanently enjoins him from violating certain of the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws, Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Exchange Act") and Exchange Act Rule 10b-5, and Sections 206(1), (2), and (3) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (Advisers Act); and (ii) requires him to pay a civil penalty in the amount of $25,000, but does not impose a greater penalty, based on his sworn representations in his Statement of Financial Condition and other documents and information submitted to the Commission. As part of the settlement, and following the entry of the proposed final judgment against him, Smith, without admitting or denying the Commission's findings, has consented to the issuance of an administrative order pursuant to Section 203(f) of the Advisers Act, which bars him from association with any investment adviser. [SEC v. Thomas J. Smith, Civil Action No.1:08-cv-01640 (D.D.C.)] (LR-20749)

SEC v. Stephen Michael Strauss

The Commission announced today that it has filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi - Oxford Division against Stephen Michael Strauss, of Southaven, Mississippi. Strauss was the president and CEO of Chilmark Entertainment Group, Inc. (n/k/a Integrated Bio-Energy Resources, Inc.) (Chilmark). The complaint seeks, among other things, an injunction, civil penalties, a penny stock bar and an officer and director bar.

The complaint alleges that, from November 2006 through December 2006, Strauss issued a series of press releases in rapid succession that misrepresented that Chilmark or its successor company, Integrated, was on the verge of manufacturing biofuel from palm oil. In truth, when Strauss issued these press releases, neither Chilmark nor Integrated had secured any funding, purchased the land to build a refinery, or begun building the refinery to manufacture the biofuel. These press releases dramatically inflated the trading volume and the price for Chilmark shares.

The complaint alleges that Strauss has violated Sections 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder.

The SEC acknowledges the assistance and cooperation of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). [SEC v. Stephen Michael Strauss, Civil Action No. 2:08-CV-026-P-S N.D. Miss.] (LR-20750)


Woodcock Financial Management Company, LLC

An order has been issued to Woodcock Financial Management Company, LLC under Section 202(a)(11)(G) of the Investment Advisers Act. The order declares Woodcock Financial Management Company, LLC and its employees acting within the scope of their employment to be persons not within the intent of Section 202(a)(11) of the Advisers Act. (Rel. IA-2787 - September 24)


John Hancock Income Securities Trust, et al.

An order has been issued on an application filed by John Hancock Income Securities Trust, et al. under Section 6(c) of the Investment Company Act for an exemption from Section 19(b) of the Act and Rule 19b-1 under the Act. The order permits certain registered closed-end management investment companies to make periodic distributions of long-term capital gains (i) with respect to their common stock as part of a managed distribution plan as frequently as twelve times each year, and (ii) with respect to their preferred stock as frequently as required by the terms of such preferred stock. (IC-28389 - September 24)

Sage Life Investment Trust

An order has been issued pursuant to Section 8(f) of the Investment Company Act declaring that Sage Life Investment Trust has ceased to be an investment company. (Rel. IC-28390 - September 24)

Orders of Deregistration Under The Investment Company Act

Orders have been issued under Section 8(f) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 declaring that each of the following has ceased to be an investment company:

  • Credit Suisse Japan Equity Fund, Inc. [File No. 811-7371]
  • [Rel. No. IC-28391]
  • AIM Select Real Estate Income Fund [File No. 811-21048]
  • [Rel. No. IC-28392]
  • SEI Opportunity Master Fund, L.P. [File No. 811-21352]
  • [Rel. No. IC-28393]
  • CGM Capital Development Fund [File No. 811-933]
  • [Rel. No. IC-28394]
  • AllianceBernstein International Research Growth Fund, Inc. [File No.
  • 811-8527]
  • [Rel. No. IC-28395]
  • UBS Health Sciences Fund, L.L.C. [File No. 811-9985]
  • [Rel. No. IC-28396]
  • IQ Tax Advantaged Dividend Income Fund Inc. [File No.
  • 811-21555]
  • [Rel. No. IC-28397]
  • S&P 500 GEAREDSM Fund V Inc. [File No. 811-21692]
  • [Rel. No. IC-28398]
  • NASDAQ-100 GEAREDSM Fund Inc. [File No. 811-21693]
  • [Rel. No. IC-28399]
  • S&P 500 GEAREDSM Fund II Inc. [File No. 811-21794]
  • [Rel. No. IC-28400]
  • Eaton Vance Prime Rate Reserves [File No. 811-5808]
  • [Rel. No. IC-28401]
  • EV Classic Senior Floating-Rate Fund [File No. 811-7946]
  • [Rel. No. IC-28402]
  • Eaton Vance Advisers Senior Floating-Rate Fund [File No.
  • 811-8671]
  • [Rel. No. IC-28403]
  • Eaton Vance Institutional Senior Floating-Rate Fund [File
  • No. 811-9249]
  • [Rel. No. IC-28404]

Delaware Management Business Trust, et al.

A notice has been issued giving interested persons until Oct. 20, 2008, to request a hearing on an application filed by Delaware Management Business Trust, et al., for an order under Section 6(c) of the Investment Company Act for an exemption from Rule 12d1-2(a) under the Act. The order would permit funds of funds relying on Rule 12d1-2 under the Act to invest in certain financial instruments. (Rel. IC-28405 - September 24)

Van Kampen Retirement Strategy Trust, et al.

A notice has been issued giving interested persons until Oct. 16, 2008, to request a hearing on an application filed by Van Kampen Retirement Strategy Trust, et al. for an order under Section 12(d)(1)(J) of the Investment Company Act for an exemption from Sections 12(d)(1)(A) and (B) of the Act, and under Sections 6(c) and 17(b) of the Act for an exemption from Section 17(a) of the Act. The order would permit certain open-end management investment companies registered under the Act to acquire shares of other registered open-end management investment companies and unit investment trusts that are within and outside the same group of investment companies. (Rel. IC-28406 - September 25)

Aberdeen Asset Management Inc., et al.

A notice has been issued giving interested persons until Oct. 20, 2008, to request a hearing on an application filed by Aberdeen Asset Management Inc., et al., for an order under Section 6(c) of the Investment Company Act for an exemption from Rule 12d1-2(a) under the Act. The order would permit funds of funds relying on Rule 12d1-2 under the Act to invest in certain financial instruments. (Rel. IC-28407 - September 25)


Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Changes

A proposed rule change filed by NASDAQ OMX PHLX, Inc. (SR-Phlx-2008-65) relating to the administration and enforcement of certain rules pertaining to XLE has become effective under Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of September 29. (Rel. 34-58613)

A proposed rule change (SR-BATS-2008-004) filed by BATS Exchange consolidating into a single rule certain requirements for products traded on the Exchange pursuant to unlisted trading privileges has become effective under Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of September 29. (Rel. 34-58623)

A proposed rule change filed by the New York Stock Exchange amending NYSE Rule 1000 (Automatic Execution of Limit Orders Against Orders Reflected in NYSE Published Quotation) (SR-NYSE-2008-85) has become effective pursuant to Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of September 29. (Rel. 34-58629)

A proposed rule change filed by the New York Stock Exchange (SR-NYSE-2008-84) to suspend the operation of certain NYSE rules to respond to the impact to the marketplace of the events of September 15, 2008, including the bankruptcy filing by Lehman Brothers Holding Inc., has become effective under Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of September 29. (Rel. 34-58631)

A proposed rule change filed by the International Securities Exchange (SR-ISE-2008-68) relating to fee changes has become effective under Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of September 29. (Rel. 34-58635)

A proposed rule change (SR-NASDAQ-2008-076) filed by The Nasdaq Stock Market relating to Nasdaq's PORTAL Market has become effective under Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of September 29. (Rel. 34-58638)

A proposed rule change (SR-BATS-2008-005) filed by BATS Exchange amending BATS Rulebook Chapter XI to add four new rules regarding the registration and obligations of market makers and amending Rule 1.5 to add definitions of "Market Maker" and "Market Maker Authorized Trader" has become effective under Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of September 29. (Rel. 34-58644)

Proposed Rule Changes

A proposed rule change (SR-Amex-2008-51), as modified by Amendment Nos. 1 and 2, has been filed by the American Stock Exchange regarding a proposal to amend Amex Rules 991 (Options Communications) and 921 (Opening of Options Accounts). Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of September 29. (Rel. 34-58625)

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority a proposed rule change (SR-FINRA-2008-046), and Amendment No. 1 thereto, pursuant to Rule 19b-4 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to amend the By-Laws of FINRA Regulation to realign the representation of Industry Members on the National Adjudicatory Council to follow more closely the categories of industry representation on the FINRA Board. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of September 29. (Rel. 34-58626)

Approval of Proposed Rule Changes

The Commission granted approval of the following proposed rule changes: a proposed rule change, as modified by Amendment No. 1, relating to the adoption of NASD Rules 4000 through 10000 Series and the 12000 through 14000 Series as FINRA rules in the new Consolidated FINRA Rulebook (SR-FINRA-2008-021); a proposed rule change relating to the membership waive-in process for certain New York Stock Exchange Members (SR-FINRA-2008-022); a proposed rule change, as modified by Amendment No. 1, to adopt the FINRA Rule 0100 Series (General Standards) in the Consolidated FINRA Rulebook (SR-FINRA-2008-026); a proposed rule change to adopt FINRA Rule 2010 (Standards of Commercial Honor and Principles of Trade), FINRA Rule 2020 (Use of Manipulative, Deceptive or Other Fraudulent Devices), and FINRA Rule 5150 (Fairness Opinions) in the Consolidated FINRA Rulebook (SR-FINRA-2008-028); and a proposed rule change, as modified by Amendment No. 1, to repeal NASD Rule 1130 and Incorporated Rules 405A, 440F, 440G and 447 as part of the process of developing the Consolidated FINRA Rulebook (SR-FINRA-2008-029). Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of September 29. (Rel. 34-58643)


Order Approving on a Permanent Basis a Proposed Amendment to the Plan for the Purpose of Developing and Implementing Procedures Designed to Facilitate the Listing and Trading of Standardized Options

The Commission granted permanent approval to Amendment No. 2 to the Plan for the Purpose of Developing and Implementing Procedures Designed to Facilitate the Listing and Trading of Standardized Options (File No. 4-443) submitted pursuant to Section 11A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 608 thereunder by the American Stock Exchange, the Boston Stock Exchange, Chicago Board Options Exchange, the International Securities Exchange, The NASDAQ Stock Market, NYSE Arca, the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, and The Options Clearing Corporation. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of September 29. (Rel. 34-58630)





Modified: 09/26/2008