SEC NEWS DIGEST Issue 2000-221 November 17, 2000 ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS COMMISSION DISMISSES PROCEEDING AGAINST DAVID EAST The Commission determined to dismiss its proceeding against W. David East, Jr. The Division of Enforcement had appealed an earlier dismissal of the proceeding by an administrative law judge. The Commission also determined to dismiss the case but declined to express any view regarding the merits or any of the conclusions in the initial decision. (Rel. 34-43569; File No. 3-8955) ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS INSTITUTED AND SETTLED AGAINST PER-SE TECHNOLOGIES, INC., FORMERLY KNOWN AS MEDAPHIS CORPORATION On October 18, 2000, the Commission instituted public administrative proceedings against Per-Se Technologies, Inc. (Per-Se), formerly known as Medaphis Corporation (Medaphis), an Atlanta-based supplier of business management services to physicians and hospitals. Per-Se consented to the issuance of an Order directing it to cease and desist from committing or causing violations of the reporting, books and records, and internal controls provisions of the federal securities laws, without admitting or denying the findings contained in the Order. The Order finds that Medaphis (1) improperly recognized license fee revenue where there was no disclosure of a material contingency that affected the payment of such fee revenue; (2) improperly reversed an accrual for employee bonuses; (3) improperly created reserves and subsequently reversed them into earnings; and (4) failed to accrue for probable losses on software development contracts. As the result of such improper accounting, Medaphis made inaccurate filings with the Commission in its 1995 Form 10-K and Forms 10-Q for the first and second quarters of 1996, materially overstating its net income in each of these filings. The Order also finds that during the quarter and year ended December 31, 1995, and the first and second quarters of 1996, Medaphis failed to have internal controls sufficient to ensure that its financial statements were prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. (Rel. 34-43570; AAE Rel. 1343; File No. 3-10364) ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS INSTITUTED AND SETTLED AGAINST GLEN LANG On October 18, 2000, the Commission instituted public administrative proceedings against Glen Donald Lang (Lang), the former president and chief executive officer of Imonics Corporation (Imonics), a computer software development and consulting company located in Cary, North Carolina. Lang consented to the issuance of an Order directing him to cease-and-desist from committing or causing violations of the antifraud, reporting, and books and records provisions of the federal securities laws, without admitting or denying the findings contained in the Order. The Order finds that Imonics, which at all relevant times was a wholly- owned subsidiary of an Atlanta-based supplier of business management services to physicians and hospitals (Company), executed in December 1995 an agreement with a German company to form a joint venture. As part of this agreement, the German company delivered a note for $3.5 million to Imonics for the use of software developed by Imonics. The Company, through Imonics, recognized this amount as revenue in the fourth quarter of 1995. The Order also finds that in January 1996, Lang sent a letter to the head of Imonics' German partner in the joint venture that had the effect of delaying any payments due to Imonics under the note. Lang did not send a copy of this letter to the Company's corporate headquarters. The Order further finds that Lang's letter created a contingency for the amount payable to Imonics, and therefore the Company, and made improper the Company's recognition of the $3.5 million in revenue from the joint venture in the fourth quarter of 1995. The Order finds that the Company overstated its net income for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 1995, in an earnings release issued in February 1996, in its 1995 Form 10-K filed with the Commission in April 1996, and in registration statements filed with the Commission in April, May, and June 1996 that incorporated by reference the overstated net income reported in the Company's 1995 Form 10-K. Finally, the Order finds that Lang's letter was discovered in September 1996, causing the Company in the following month to restate its operating results to report net losses for both the quarter and year ended December 31, 1995. (Rels. 33-7916; 34-43571; AAE Rel. 1344; File No. 3-10365) ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS INSTITUTED AND SETTLED AGAINST JAMES DOUGLASS On October 18, 2000, the Commission instituted public administrative proceedings against James Steele Douglass (Douglass), the former controller and chief accounting officer of an Atlanta-based supplier of business management services to physicians and hospitals (Company). Douglass consented to the issuance of an Order directing him to cease- and-desist from committing or causing violations of the antifraud, reporting, and books and records provisions of the federal securities laws, without admitting or denying the findings contained in the Order. The Order finds that Douglass: * in the first quarter of 1996, was involved in the inappropriate reversal of an accrual for vested employee bonuses of $1.4 million by a subsidiary of the Company, which increased income for the first quarter of 1996 on the Company's consolidated financial statements; * in the second quarter of 1996, instructed a recently acquired subsidiary to reverse $2.5 million in reserves into income, which materially inflated the Company's earnings through consolidation in that quarter; * in the second quarter of 1996, failed to cause the Company to establish reserves for additional costs expected on software development and consulting contracts, which caused the Company to overstate its earnings and revenue for the second quarter by approximately $1.4 million; * failed to implement a system of sufficient internal controls to ensure that the Company's financial statements were prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and failed to ensure compliance with those internal controls the Company did have; and * failed to give complete and accurate information to the Company's outside auditors concerning the nature of the entries on the Company's books and records during the first and second quarters of 1996. (Rels. 33-7917; 34-43572; AAE Rel. 1345; File No. 3-10366) SEC OBTAINS SUMMARY JUDGMENT AGAINST THREE DEFENDANTS IN CASE INVOLVING $9 MILLION IPO STOCK FRAUD The Commission announced that on November 9 the Honorable Denise Cote, United States District Court Judge for the Southern District of New York, granted the Commission's motion for partial summary judgment against three defendants in its securities fraud case involving Milan Capital Group, Inc., a company based in Melville, New York. The three defendants are Ira A. Monas, who was the president and owner of Milan, Michael Lamhut, who was Milan's operations manager, and Jason Cope, who was the branch manager of the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania office of Investment Offices, a broker-dealer associated with Milan that did business under the name AC Financial, Inc. The Commission filed its original complaint in this matter on January 7, 2000, charging Milan with unlawfully offering for sale, and purportedly selling, IPO securities while failing to be registered with the Commission as a broker-dealer. On that same day, on application by the Commission, the court issued a temporary restraining order freezing Milan's assets and enjoining Milan from acting as an unregistered broker- dealer. (See Litigation Release No. 16405 (January 10, 2000)). On January 21, 2000, on application by the Commission, the court appointed a receiver for Milan to, among other things, identify and secure Milan's assets and property, ascertain the disposition of investors' funds, and ensure the fair treatment of all investors who dealt with Milan. The court has since granted motions by the receiver to freeze assets of various parties alleged to have received investor funds from Milan. In an amended complaint filed on February 29, 2000, the Commission charged Monas, Lamhut, Cope and others with violating the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws and aiding and abetting Milan's violation of the broker-dealer registration provisions. (See Litigation Release No. 16460 (March 1, 2000)). In granting partial summary judgment against the three defendants, the court found that through Cope and his team of brokers at the AC Financial Pittsburgh office, Monas and Milan convinced approximately 200 customers to pay almost $9 million for shares in several IPOs. As the court also found, investors were told that Monas and Milan had access to these IPOs and, after sending funds to Milan, were provided with sales confirmations on Milan letterhead. In fact, the court found, Milan did not have access to IPOs, and never provided investors with any IPO shares. The court further found that Lamhut and Cope made false representations to investors in connection with this scheme, and that Monas and his wife withdrew substantial investor funds from Milan's accounts. The court found that Monas, Lamhut, and Cope violated the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws, Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act), Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder, and Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933. The court also found that the defendants aided and abetted Milan's violation of the broker-dealer registration provisions of Section 15(a) of the Exchange Act. The court enjoined these defendants from further violations of these laws, and will require the defendants to pay full disgorgement and pre-judgment interest. The court further ruled that it would determine the amount of disgorgement and pre-judgment interest, and decide whether civil monetary penalties should be entered against the defendants, after the court-appointed receiver concludes his investigation. Claims against other defendants in this case remain pending. [SEC v. Milan Capital Group, Inc., et al., 00 Civ. 108, DLC, USDC, SDNY] (LR-16802) INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT RELEASES THE WACHOVIA VARIABLE INSURANCE FUNDS, ET AL. An order has been issued pursuant to Section 6(c) of the Investment Company Act granting exemptive relief from Sections 9(a), 13(a), 15(a) and 15(b) of the Act and Rules 6e-2(b)(15) and 6e-3(T)(b)(15) thereunder to the Wachovia Variable Insurance Funds (Trust) and Wachovia Asset Management (Wachovia), a business unit of Wachovia Bank, N.A. to the extent necessary to permit shares of the Trust and shares of any other investment company or series thereof that is designed to fund insurance products and for which Wachovia, or any of its affiliates, may serve in the future as investment adviser, administrator, manager, principal underwriter or sponsor to be sold to and held by (a) variable annuity and variable life insurance separate accounts of both affiliated and unaffiliated life insurance companies, (b) qualified pension and retirement plans outside of the separate account context, and (c) separate accounts that are not registered under the Act pursuant to exemptions from registration under Section 3(c) of the Act. (Rel. IC- 24740 - November 15) ML TAURUS, INC. A notice has been issued giving interested persons until December 11, 2000, to request a hearing on an application filed by ML Taurus, Inc. for an order under Sections 6(b) and 6(e) of the Investment Company Act in connection with the formation of limited partnerships and other entities (Partnerships) to be offered to certain key employees and qualified participants of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. and its affiliates. Each Partnership will be an employees' securities company within the meaning of Section 2(a)(13) of the Act. (Rel. IC-24741 - November 15) SELF-REGULATORY ORGANIZATIONS ACCELERATED APPROVAL OF PROPOSED RULE CHANGE The Commission granted approval to a proposed rule change filed by the Government Securities Clearing Corporation (SR-GSCC-00-01). The order allows GSCC to obtain financing in connection with its securities settlement process by entering into repurchase transactions with GSCC netting members and clearing agent bank members. Publication of the proposal is expected in the Federal Register during the week of November 20. (Rel. 34-43566) PROPOSED RULE CHANGE The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board filed a proposed rule change (SR-MSRB-00-02) relating to Rules G-8 and G-38 and Form G-37/G-38. Publication of the proposal is expected in the Federal Register during the week of November 20. (Rel. 34-43568) WITHDRAWAL GRANTED A notice has been issued giving interested persons until December 7, 2000, to comment on the application of Nexen Inc. (formerly Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd.) to withdraw its Common Shares, no par value, from listing and registration on the American Stock Exchange. (Rel. 34- 43563) SIGNIFICANT NO-ACTION, EXEMPTIVE AND INTERPRETIVE LETTERS Listed below are significant interpretive, exemptive, or no-action letters issued by the Division of Market Regulation for the period July 1 through September 30, 2000: Company Act/Section/Rule Date Mailed Date Available DB Alex. 1934 Act/10b-10 7/5/2000 7/5/2000 Brown LLC Cool Brands 1934 Act/14e-5 7/12/2000 7/12/2000 Offer Eskimo Pie Repsol Offer 1934 Act/14e-5 7/21/2000 7/21/2000 YPF Securities 1934 Act/15(c)(3)/15c3-1 7/27/2000 7/27/2000 Industry Association Securities 1934 Act/15(c)(3)/15c3-1 7/27/2000 7/27/2000 Industry Association Stabilizing 1934 Act/Reg. M - Rule 104 7/28/2000 7/28/2000 Activities under U.K. Law Outside U.K., 1934 Act/15(b) 7/28/2000 7/28/2000 LLC Courtyard 1934 Act/14e-5 8/03/2000 8/03/2000 Marriott Ltd. Partnership Pearson plc 1934 Act/14e-5 8/07/2000 8/07/2000 offer National Computer Systems, Inc. Depository 1934 Act/15(c)(3)/15c3-1 8/21/2000 8/21/2000 Trust Corporation IShares S&P 1934 Act/10a-1, 9/05/2000 9/05/2000 100 Fund 10b-10, 10b-17, 11d1-2, 14e-5, 15c1-5, 15c1-6, Reg. M - 101, 102 Allied 1934 Act/14e-5 9/13/2000 9/13/2000 Zurich/UBS Warburg TotalFinaElf 1934 Act/Reg. M - Rule 102 9/18/2000 9/18/2000 offer PetroFina UBS AG merger 1934 Act/Reg. M - Rules 9/22/2000 9/22/2000 Paine Webber 101, 102 RECENT 8K FILINGS Form 8-K is used by companies to file current reports on the following events: Item 1. Changes in Control of Registrant. Item 2. Acquisition or Disposition of Assets. Item 3. Bankruptcy or Receivership. Item 4. Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant. Item 5. Other Materially Important Events. Item 6. Resignations of Registrant's Directors. Item 7. Financial Statements and Exhibits. Item 8. Change in Fiscal Year. Item 9. Regulation FD Disclosure. The following companies have filed 8-K reports for the date indicated and/or amendments to 8-K reports previously filed, responding to the item(s) of the form specified. 8-K reports may be obtained in person or by writing to the Commission's Public Reference Branch at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 or at the following e-mail box address: . In most cases, this information is also available on the Commission's website: . STATE 8K ITEM NO. NAME OF ISSUER CODE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DATE COMMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AAMES MORTGAGE TRUST 2000-1 CA X X 10/25/00 ACTERNA CORP DE X X 11/14/00 ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRIES INC DE X X 10/31/00 ADVANTA BUSINESS RECIEVABLES CORP X X 11/16/00 ADVANTA BUSINESS SERVICES CORP DE X 11/10/00 ADVANTA BUSINESS SERVICES CORP DE X 11/10/00 ADVANTA EQUIPMENT LEASING RECEIVABL NV X 11/10/00 ES SERIES 2000-1 LLC ADVANTA LEASING RECEIVABLES CORP IV NV X 11/10/00 ADVANTA LEASING RECEIVABLES CORP IX NV X 11/10/00 ADVANTA LEASING RECEIVABLES CORP V NV X 11/10/00 ADVANTA LEASING RECEIVABLES CORP VI NV X 11/10/00 II AGL RESOURCES INC GA X X 11/17/00 AIRCRAFT FINANCE TRUST DE X 11/15/00 ALLEGHENY ENERGY INC MD X 11/15/00 ALLSTATE CORP DE X 11/16/00 ALTIVA FINANCIAL CORP DE X X X 11/13/00 AMB PROPERTY CORP MD X X 08/15/00 AMEND AMB PROPERTY LP DE X X 08/15/00 AMEND AMEDISYS INC DE X X 11/15/00 AMERICAN AIRCARRIERS SUPPORT INC DE X X 10/31/00 AMERICAN ECO CORP X X X 10/30/00 AMERICAN ENTERPRISE COM CORP FL X X X 11/01/00 AMERICAN EXPRESS CENTURION BANK UT X X 11/15/00 AMERICAN EXPRESS RECEIVABLES FINANC DE X X 11/15/00 ING CORP AMERICAN EXPRESS RECEIVABLES FINANC DE X X 11/15/00 ING CORP II AMERITRANS CAPITAL CORP DE X 10/31/00 AMERIVEST PROPERTIES INC MD X X 11/16/00 ARCADIA INVESTMENTS INC WY X 11/15/00 ARCADIA RECEIVABLES FINANCE CORP DE X X 11/16/00 ARCHSTONE COMMUNITIES TRUST/ MD X X 11/15/00 ASIA WEB HOLDINGS INC DE X 11/06/00 ASIAN FINANCIAL INC NV X 11/14/00 AMEND ASSET BACKED SEC CORP HOME EQUITY L DE X X X 11/15/00 OAN SERIES 2000 LB1 AT&T CORP NY X X 11/15/00 ATCHISON CASTING CORP KS X X 11/16/00 AUTOZONE INC NV X X 11/15/00 AVNET INC NY X X 10/31/00 BANC ONE CREDIT CARD MASTER TRUST NY X X 11/15/00 BANK MUTUAL CORP X X 11/01/00 BANK OF AMERICA MORTGAGE SECURITIES DE X X 11/16/00 INC BANKNORTH GROUP INC/ME ME X X 11/16/00 BARRETT RESOURCES CORP DE X X 11/15/00 BELLSOUTH CORP GA X 11/16/00 BETHLEHEM STEEL CORP /DE/ DE X 11/16/00 BHC COMMUNICATIONS INC DE X X 11/09/00 BICO INC/PA PA X 11/07/00 BICO INC/PA PA X 11/16/00 BOWL AMERICA INC MD X 10/01/00 BROWN FORMAN CORP DE X 11/30/00 CABLEVISION SYSTEMS CORP /NY DE X X 11/10/00 CASCADE CORP OR X X 10/18/00 AMEND CBQ INC CO X 11/13/00 CC MASTER CREDIT CARD TRUST MD X 11/15/00 CC MASTER CREDIT CARD TRUST II MD X 11/15/00 CENTEX CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS INC DE X X 11/10/00 CENTEX CORP NV X X 11/10/00 CHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORP OK X X 11/16/00 CHRIS CRAFT INDUSTRIES INC DE X X 11/15/00 CHRYSLER FINANCIAL CO LLC DAIMLERCH MI X X 11/15/00 RYSLER AUTO TRUST 2000-C CIRCUIT CITY CREDIT CARD MASTER TRU DE X X 11/15/00 ST CISCO SYSTEMS INC CA X 11/09/00 CISCO SYSTEMS INC CA X 11/13/00 CITIBANK CREDIT CARD MASTER TRUST I DE X X X 09/26/00 CITIBANK CREDIT CARD MASTER TRUST I DE X X 10/26/00 CITIBANK NEVADA NATIONAL ASSOCIATIO DE X X X 09/26/00 N CITIBANK NEVADA NATIONAL ASSOCIATIO DE X X 10/26/00 N CITIBANK SOUTH DAKOTA N A DE X X X 09/26/00 CITIBANK SOUTH DAKOTA N A DE X 10/26/00 CITIBANK SOUTH DAKOTA N A DE X X 10/26/00 CITICORP DE X 10/10/00 CITICORP MORTGAGE SECURITIES INC DE X 11/16/00 CLAYTON HOMES INC DE X X 11/14/00 CLEARWORKS NET INC DE X X 11/13/00 CLIMACHEM INC OK X X 10/31/00 CNL HOSPITALITY PROPERTIES INC FL X 11/03/00 COMMAND SECURITY CORP NY X X 11/10/00 CONSOLTEX INC/ CA A8 X 09/30/00 CONTEX ENTERPRISE GROUP INC CO X 11/15/00 CONTINENTAL AIRLINES INC /DE/ DE X X 11/15/00 CORUS BANKSHARES INC MN X 11/15/00 COUNTRY WORLD CASINOS INC NV X 11/14/00 COVALENT GROUP INC NV X X 10/31/00 AMEND COVEST BANCSHARES INC DE X X 11/16/00 CRIIMI MAE FINANCIAL CORP MD X 11/15/00 CULP INC NC X 10/29/00 CURAGEN CORP DE X X 11/15/00 CURIS INC DE X X 11/16/00 CYTRX CORP DE X X 11/01/00 DAIMLERCHRYSLER AUTO TRUST 2000 A DE X X 11/15/00 DAIMLERCHRYSLER AUTO TRUST 2000 B DE X X 11/15/00 DEVON ENERGY CORP/DE DE X 10/26/00 DIASENSOR COM INC PA X 11/15/00 DISCOVER BANK DE X X 11/15/00 DISCOVER CARD MASTER TRUST I DE X X 11/15/00 DOMINION RESOURCES INC /VA/ VA X 11/16/00 DOVER CORP DE X X 11/13/00 DVI RECEIVABLES CORP VIII DE X X 11/07/00 DYNAMIC HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES INC FL X 11/15/00 ENTRAVISION COMMUNICATIONS CORP DE X X 11/14/00 ENVISION DEVELOPMENT CORP /FL/ FL X X 10/31/00 EQUIVEST FINANCE INC DE X 11/15/00 ETOYS INC DE X X 11/15/00 EVENFLO CO INC DE X X 11/14/00 EXELON CORP PA X X 10/20/00 AMEND EXELON CORP PA X 11/15/00 EXPEDITORS INTERNATIONAL OF WASHING WA X 11/15/00 TON INC FEDEX CORP DE X 11/14/00 FIBERCORE INC NV X 11/14/00 FINGERHUT RECEIVABLES INC DE X 11/15/00 FIRST CHICAGO MASTER TRUST II DE X X 11/15/00 FIRST HORIZON ASSET SECURITIES INC DE X 11/16/00 FIRST NBC CREDIT CARD MASTER TRUST X 11/10/00 FIRST UNION CORP NC X X 11/14/00 FIRST UNION MASTER CREDIT CARD TRUS X X 11/15/00 T FIRST USA BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION X X 11/15/00 FIRST USA CREDIT CARD MASTER TRUST DE X X 11/10/00 FLIR SYSTEMS INC OR X X 11/15/00 FLORIDA POWER CORP / FL X X 11/15/00 FLORIDA PROGRESS CORP FL X X 11/15/00 FNANB CREDIT CARD MASTER TRUST X X 11/15/00 FNB CORP/PA PA X 10/24/00 FOUNTAIN COLONY VENTURES INC CO X 09/22/00 AMEND FOX ENTERTAINMENT GROUP INC DE X 11/15/00 FRANKLIN SELECT REALTY TRUST CA X X 11/16/00 GARDEN COM INC X X 09/30/00 GEODYNE ENERGY INCOME LTD PARTNERSH OK X X 11/15/00 IP III-E GEORGIA PACIFIC CORP GA X 11/15/00 GERALD STEVENS INC/ FL X X 11/14/00 GIANT GROUP LTD DE X X 10/31/00 GODDARD INDUSTRIES INC MA X 11/01/00 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC DE X X 10/31/00 GOOD GUYS INC DE X 11/08/00 GRAND COURT LIFESTYLES INC DE X X 11/10/00 GREENPOINT HM EQ LN AS BK NT SR 200 X X 10/16/00 0-1 CL A2 VA RT AS BK NT GREENPOINT HM EQ LN TR 1999-2 REV H DE X X 10/16/00 M EQ ASS BK NOT SE 1999-2 GUILFORD MILLS INC DE X X 11/16/00 GULF ISLAND FABRICATION INC LA X X 11/14/00 H QUOTIENT INC VA X X 11/16/00 HANOVER COMPRESSOR CO / DE X 11/08/00 HARCOURT GENERAL INC DE X X 10/27/00 HARVEYS CASINO RESORTS NV X X 11/15/00 HBOA HOLDINGS INC CO X X 11/14/00 HEALTHCARE REALTY TRUST INC MD X X 11/16/00 HEALTHCENTRAL COM DE X 11/14/00 HELISYS INC DE X 10/31/00 HILLENBRAND INDUSTRIES INC IN X X 11/13/00 HUNGRY MINDS INC /DE/ DE X X 11/13/00 HYBRID NETWORKS INC DE X 11/15/00 HYDROGIENE CORP/NV FL X X 11/14/00 IDX SYSTEMS CORP VT X 11/16/00 IL FORNAIO AMERICA CORP DE X X 11/15/00 IMMUNOGEN INC MA X X 11/08/00 IMO INDUSTRIES INC DE X X 11/16/00 INDIANA GAS CO INC IN X 09/30/00 INDIANA GAS CO INC IN X 09/30/00 INTERNET COMMERCE CORP DE X X 11/14/00 JACKSONVILLE BANCORP INC TX X X 11/15/00 JLK DIRECT DISTRIBUTION INC PA X 11/01/00 K TEL INTERNATIONAL INC MN X X 11/14/00 KELLSTROM INDUSTRIES INC DE X X 11/13/00 KEVCO INC TX X X 11/15/00 KEYPORT LIFE INSURANCE CO MA X 11/01/00 KOGER EQUITY INC FL X X 11/13/00 KOGER EQUITY INC FL X X 11/14/00 L 3 COMMUNICATIONS CORP DE X X X 11/13/00 L 3 COMMUNICATIONS HOLDINGS INC DE X X X 11/13/00 LABORATORY CORP OF AMERICA HOLDINGS DE X X 11/15/00 LAKEHEAD PIPELINE CO LP DE X X 11/15/00 LAMAR ADVERTISING CO/NEW DE X X 11/15/00 LASALLE HOTEL PROPERTIES MD X X 11/14/00 LERNOUT & HAUSPIE SPEECH PRODUCTS N X 10/27/00 V LERNOUT & HAUSPIE SPEECH PRODUCTS N X 11/13/00 V LEXINGTON CORPORATE PROPERTIES TRUS MD X X 11/15/00 T LIBERTY CORP SC X 11/07/00 LIBERTY GROUP PUBLISHING INC DE X X 11/16/00 LODESTAR HOLDINGS INC X 11/15/00 LORACA INTERNATIONAL INC NV X X 10/30/00 LSB INDUSTRIES INC DE X X 10/31/00 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC DE X 11/15/00 MAGAININ PHARMACEUTICALS INC DE X X 11/16/00 MARINE TRANSPORT CORP DE X 11/15/00 MATRIX SERVICE CO DE X X 10/15/00 MEDIX RESOURCES INC CO X 09/28/00 MERCK & CO INC NJ X X 11/15/00 MERCURY WASTE SOLUTIONS INC MN X X 11/13/00 MONTANA POWER CO /MT/ MT X 10/31/00 MONY GROUP INC DE X X 11/08/00 MORGAN STANLEY AIRCRAFT FINANCE DE X 10/31/00 NATIONAL CAPITAL COMPANIES INC NV X X 11/06/00 NATIONAL DATA CORP DE X X 11/09/00 NEOSE TECHNOLOGIES INC DE X X 11/14/00 NETDIGEST COM INC DE X 11/15/00 NEWMIL BANCORP INC DE X 11/15/00 NISSAN AUTO RECEIVABLES 2000-C OWNE X 11/07/00 R TRUST NORTH LILY MINING CO UT X 04/07/00 AMEND NORTH LILY MINING CO UT X 04/07/00 AMEND NORTHEAST INDIANA BANCORP INC DE X X 11/14/00 NTN COMMUNICATIONS INC DE X X 11/14/00 NUMED HOME HEALTH CARE INC NV X X 11/01/00 OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP /DE/ DE X 11/16/00 OGDEN CORP DE X X 11/14/00 PACIFIC SANDS INC NV X 10/11/00 AMEND PENN AMERICA GROUP INC PA X 11/14/00 PENTASTAR COMMUNICATIONS INC DE X X 11/14/00 PHILLIPS PETROLEUM CO DE X X 11/15/00 PICCADILLY CAFETERIAS INC LA X X 11/13/00 PILLOWTEX CORP TX X X 11/14/00 PIONEER OIL & GAS UT X 11/16/00 PLAYBOY ENTERPRISES INC DE X X 11/14/00 AMEND POTLATCH CORP DE X 11/15/00 PRECISION PARTNERS INC DE X X 11/14/00 PUBLIC SERVICE CO OF NEW MEXICO NM X 11/16/00 PUBLIC SERVICE CO OF NEW MEXICO NM X 11/16/00 AMEND QUEST NET CORP FL X 11/16/00 AMEND QUIZNOS CORP CO X 11/13/00 RADIO ONE INC DE X 11/10/00 RANCON REALTY FUND IV CA X 11/15/00 RANCON REALTY FUND V CA X 11/15/00 REYNOLDS & REYNOLDS CO OH X 11/15/00 SABRE HOLDING CORP DE X 11/16/00 SAKS CREDIT CARD MASTER TRUST NV X X 11/15/00 SALEM COMMUNICATIONS CORP /DE/ DE X X 09/01/00 AMEND SANTANDER BANCORP X 09/30/00 SEAGRAM CO LTD CA X X 11/15/00 SEARS CREDIT ACCOUNT MASTER TRUST I IL X X 11/02/00 I SEARS CREDIT ACCOUNT MASTER TRUST I IL X X 11/02/00 I SEARS CREDIT ACCOUNT MASTER TRUST I IL X X 11/15/00 I SEEC INC PA X X 11/16/00 SENIOR HOUSING PROPERTIES TRUST MD X X 10/31/00 SHOP AT HOME INC /TN/ TN X 06/30/01 SKINTEK LABS INC DE X 09/14/00 AMEND SMARTERKIDS COM INC X X 11/14/00 SOFTNET SYSTEMS INC DE X 11/13/00 SOLPOWER CORP NV X X 08/30/00 AMEND SONIC CORP DE X 11/14/00 SOUTHERN FINANCIAL BANCORP INC /VA/ VA X X 09/01/00 AMEND SOVEREIGN SPECIALTY CHEMICALS INC DE X X 10/31/00 AMEND SPSS INC DE X X 11/06/00 STONEHAVEN REALTY TRUST MD X X 11/09/00 STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMEN DE X 10/25/00 TS INC STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMEN DE X 10/25/00 TS INC STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMEN DE X 10/25/00 TS INC STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMEN DE X 10/25/00 TS INC STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMEN DE X 10/25/00 TS INC STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMEN DE X 10/25/00 TS INC STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMEN DE X 10/25/00 TS INC STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMEN DE X 10/25/00 TS INC STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMEN DE X 10/25/00 TS INC STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMEN DE X 10/25/00 TS INC STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMEN DE X 10/25/00 TS INC STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMEN DE X 10/25/00 TS INC STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMEN DE X 10/25/00 TS INC STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMEN DE X 10/25/00 TS INC STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMEN DE X 11/02/00 TS INC STRUCTURED ASSET SECURITIES CORP DE X X 11/14/00 STUDENT ADVANTAGE INC DE X X 10/31/00 STURM RUGER & CO INC DE X 10/24/00 AMEND TECO ENERGY INC FL X X 11/14/00 TECO ENERGY INC FL X 11/16/00 TEKGRAF INC GA X X 11/13/00 THIN FILM BATTERY INC CO X 11/06/00 TITAN PHARMACEUTICALS INC DE X X 11/15/00 TRICON GLOBAL RESTAURANTS INC NC X 11/15/00 TYCO INTERNATIONAL LTD /BER/ X X 11/13/00 UNICAPITAL CORP DE X 11/15/00 UNIFRAX INVESTMENT CORP DE X 10/04/00 UNIONBANCORP INC DE X X 11/14/00 UNITED TELEVISION INC DE X X 11/09/00 UNITEL VIDEO INC/DE DE X X 10/23/00 USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK X 10/31/00 VANDERBILT MORTGAGE & FINANCE INC TN X X 11/14/00 VANS INC DE X X 11/14/00 VECTREN CORP IN X 10/31/00 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC & POWER CO VA X 11/16/00 VIROPHARMA INC DE X X 11/13/00 WELLS FARGO ASSET SECURITIES CORP DE X X 09/27/00 WELLS FARGO ASSET SECURITIES CORP DE X X 11/15/00 WELLS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST MD X X 11/01/00 INC WINSTAR COMMUNICATIONS INC DE X 11/07/00 AMEND XETA TECHNOLOGIES INC OK X X X 11/01/00 YAMAHA MOTOR RECEIVABLES CORP DE X 11/15/00 3DFX INTERACTIVE INC CA X 11/15/00