UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION LITIGATION RELEASE NO. 16011 / December 29, 1998 COURT ORDERS DISTRIBUTION OF SEIZED PROPERTY AND CASH TO CHARITY Securities and Exchange Commission v. First Zurich National USA, LLC, Compunomics 139, Inc. and Paul Douglas Catchings, Civil Action No. 98-CV-29D (USDC WY) On December 22, 1998, the United States District Court for the District of Wyoming entered an order distributing one half of the remaining cash seized from the defendants to the Salvation Army in Cheyenne, Wyoming and one half to the Salvation Army in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Honorable William F. Downes directed that such funds be used by those organizations for feeding homeless persons. It is believed that the total cash that will be distributed pursuant to the order totals approximately $20,193. In an earlier Order of October 27, 1998, Judge Downes directed that computer equipment seized from the defendants be donated to the Pasadena, California Unified School District with the condition that the property be used in schools within the district. The October 27, 1998, Order also provided that various miscellaneous property seized from the defendants be given to the Salvation Army in Pasadena, California. Judge Downes distributed the equipment and cash as set forth above after finding that because there were approximately two thousand defrauded investors in this matter, it was not practical to attempt to make any distribution to individual investors. On August 14, 1998 Judge Downes entered an order requiring the defendants First Zurich National USA, LLC ("First Zurich"), Compunomics 139, Inc. (" Compunomics" ), and Douglas Paul Catchings ("Catchings") to jointly and severally disgorge $4,370,425 plus prejudgment and postjudgment interest to be determined later. The Order also requires defendant Cathings to pay a civil penalty of $100,000. To date the Commission has not located sufficient funds or property to make any distribution to investors. Previously Judge Downes had entered temporary restraining orders, permanent injunctions, an asset freeze, and appointed a Special Officer to take possession of the property of the defendants. Judge Downes has also issued a warrant for the arrest of defendant Catchings based on the Court's finding him to be in contempt of various orders. That arrest warrant remains in effect and Catchings has not as of this date been located. The Commission alleged that First Zurich, a Wyoming limited liability company and Compunomics, a Belizean corporation based in Pasadena, California and the corporate parent of First Zurich, and Douglas Paul Catchings, controlling person of Compunomics and First Zurich fraudulently raised more than $4 million from approximately 2,000 investors through the sale of stock in Compunomics and First Zurich. Defendants had falsely claimed that they were operating a bank, when, the Commission has alleged, no bank in fact existed. This was an affinity fraud largely targeting African-Americans. Investors in this fraudulent scheme who wish to obtain further information are encouraged to contact the Commission's Denver office by writing to 1801 California Street, Suite 4800, Denver, Colorado 80202 or by telephone at (303) 844-1000. For further information see Litigation Releases 15634 (February 3, 1998), 15639 (February 10, 1998), and 15645 (February 18, 1998), 15848 (August 14, 1998).