UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION LITIGATION RELEASE NO. 15711 / April 20, 1998 SEC v. UNITED ENERGY PARTNERS, INC. ET AL., 3-98CV0218-R (USDC/ND/TX Dallas Division) On January 30, 1998, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") obtained an ex parte temporary restraining order, including an asset freeze, from the Honorable Jorge A. Solis, United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, to halt an ongoing, fraudulent offer and sale of securities. Named as defendants in the Commission's Complaint, also filed on January 30, 1998, are United Energy Partners, Inc. ("United Energy"), Richard A. Quinn ("Quinn") and Scott W. Tucker ("Tucker"). A hearing on the Commission's motions for preliminary injunction and for the appointment of a temporary receiver are set for May 4, 1998. The Commission alleges that the defendants are engaged in an ongoing fraudulent offer and sale of securities in the form of undivided, working interests in oil and gas joint ventures issued by United Energy. The Complaint also alleges that, from 1995 through the present, the defendants raised approximately $7.5 million from approximately 285 investors located in at least 40 states, including the State of Texas. It is further alleged that, in connection with the offer and sale of these securities, the defendants knowingly made false statements of material fact to investors, including: that investor funds would be used solely for the drilling of specific oil and gas wells; that United Energy and its employees had invested in the joint ventures on the same terms as investors; and that assignments reflecting the investors' ownership interest in the wells would be filed in the appropriate county within 30 days of achieving production. The Complaint also alleges that the defendants omitted to disclose material facts to investors, including: that half the money raised from investors would be transferred to United Energy's operating account to be spend at Quinn's discretion; that commissions of 10 - 15% of investment funds would be paid to salespersons; that Quinn and Tucker had received overriding royalty interests in certain wells at not cost; and that preferential treatment had been offered to some investors in certain joint ventures. The commission charges the defendants with violations of Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, and Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Exchange Act"), and Rule 10b-5 thereunder, and charges defendant Tucker with violations of Section 15(a) of the Exchange Act. The Commission also sought an accounting, disgorgement of all ill-gotten gains, including prejudgment interest, civil money penalties and the appointment of a receiver to conserve the assets of United Energy.