UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Litigation Release No. 15388 / June 19, 1997 Securities and Exchange Commission v. Michelle P. Suppes and Mark Anthony (U.S.D.C. - S.D.N.Y.) 97 Civ. 2376 (RPP) The Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") announced the entry on May 27, 1997 of final judgments on consent against Michelle P. Suppes ("Suppes") and Mark Anthony ("Anthony"). Without admitting or denying the allegations in the Commission's Complaint, Suppes and Anthony each consented to permanent injunctions against violating (i) a Commission Order barring them from association with any broker, dealer, municipal securities dealer, investment adviser or investment company ("Bar Order"), and (ii) Section 15(b)(6)(B)(i) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which prohibits any person subject to a Bar Order from associating with a broker or dealer. Suppes and Anthony also consented to pay civil penalties of $5,000 each. The Complaint alleged that Suppes and Anthony were violating both the Bar Order and Section 15(b)(6)(B)(i) of the Exchange Act by continuing to associate with Suppes Securities, Inc., a registered broker-dealer. The Commission issued the Bar Order following final judgments on consent entered against Suppes and Anthony in a prior civil injunctive action, Securities and Exchange Commission v. Anthony Sarivola, et al. (U.S.D.C. - S.D.N.Y.) 95 Civ. 9270 (RPP). See Litigation Release No. 15214 (January 15, 1997). ======END OF PAGE 1======