==========================================START OF PAGE 1====== U.S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Litigation Release No. 14948 / June 18, 1996 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION v. WILLIAM E. COOPER ET AL., Civil Action 94-3144 HLH (JRx) (C.D. Cal.) The Securities and Exchange Commission announced that, on April 30, 1996, the Honorable Harry L. Hupp, United States District Judge for the Central District of California, issued a Final Judgment of Disgorgement against Sandee Russell ("Russell") ordering her to disgorge approximately $217,000 to the receiver appointed by the Court in this case. Russell consented to the entry of the disgorgement order without admitting or denying the allegations in the Complaint. The Commission's Complaint alleges that, from 1981 to 1994, defendants William E. Cooper ("Cooper"), Robert E. Lindley ("Lindley") and Valerie Jensen ("Jensen"), operating through Vestcorp Securities, Inc. ("Vestcorp"), engaged in the fraudulent offer and sale of securities in the form of real estate limited partnership interests, raising approximately $99 million from investors. Many of the investors held their limited partnership interests with First Pension Corporation ("First Pension"). The Complaint alleges that Cooper, Lindley, Jensen, Vestcorp and First Pension made material misrepresentations and omissions concerning, among other things, the use of funds raised for the limited partnerships, the misappropriation of funds and the source of returns paid to investors. In its Complaint, the Commission named five additional individuals and entities, including Russell, as relief defendants solely for the purpose of obtaining full relief and did not allege that they violated the federal securities laws. Pursuant to previous orders, the Court has appointed a receiver over First Pension and related entities. In addition, the Court has previously issued injunctions against Cooper, Lindley, Jensen, Vestcorp and First Pension permanently enjoining them from future violations of the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws they were alleged in the Complaint to have violated. See LR-14197, LR-14343.