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New Reorganized EDGAR Filer Manual (Version 1)

Effective Date: October 14, 2005

Revisions to the EDGAR Filer Manual have been made to improve, reorganize and restructure the Volumes I – III to make it easier for filers, and those wishing to apply for EDGAR access codes, to locate the information that they need to apply for EDGAR access, maintain company information and submit electronic filings. The Filer Manual has also been rearranged to eliminate information that was repeated between the different volumes and to be more aligned with the logical functions performed by EDGAR filers. The reorganized filer manual (Version 1) does not include any rule-based changes to the filing process.

The EDGAR Filer Manual is still made up of three volumes. However, the title, purpose and content have either been changed or moved. In addition, each volume has been baselined at Version 1 and will no longer follow the EDGAR system release numbers. By decoupling the Filer Manual from the software releases, an individual EDGAR Filer Manual volume will only be updated when changes are made to the functions contained within that particular volume. Filers can review version information on the SEC’s Public Site to determine if they have the most current volume.

EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume I) General Information (Version 1)

Previously, Volume I of the EDGAR Filer Manual was entitled “EDGAR Release 9.0 EDGARLink Filer Manual (Volume I)”. Now, the first volume, EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume I) General Information (Version 1), covers the EDGAR application process, outlines how to keep company data current and provides a brief introduction to the filing process. Volume I is intended to be a reference for those that need to obtain EDGAR access, those that are new to EDGAR and those that are responsible for keeping company information current.

* Download the EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume I) General Information (Version 1; 5 MB)

EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume II) EDGAR Filing — Version 1

Previously, Volume II was entitled “EDGAR Release 9.0 N-SAR Supplement Filer Manual (Volume II)”. The revised second volume, EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume II) EDGAR Filing — Version 1, focuses entirely on the filing process. It illustrates each step of the process to submit an electronic submission and helps filers understand the tools provided by the SEC for constructing and transmitting those submissions, concisely consolidating information previously provided in the former EDGAR Release 9.0 EDGARLink Filer Manual (Volume I) and EDGAR Release 9.0 OnlineForms Filer Manual (Volume III) documents. This volume is intended to be a reference for those that are responsible for submitting filings to the SEC via the EDGAR system.

* Download the EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume II) EDGAR Filing (Version 1; 6 MB)

EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume III) N-SAR Supplement (Version 1)

Previously, Volume III was entitled “EDGAR Release 9.0 OnlineForms Filer Manual (Volume III). The revised third volume, EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume III) N-SAR Supplement — Version 1, is the guide for preparing the electronic submissions of Form N-SAR. While this volume used to be Volume II of the EDGAR Filer Manual, its current content has remained essentially unchanged with the exception of the minor modifications necessary to update references to the other updated Filer Manual volumes.

* Download the EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume III) N-SAR Supplement (Version 1)



Modified: 10/06/2005