Auditor Independence
Note: This page has been archived and is no longer being updated. It may include obsolete or out-of-date information.
- Commission Policy Statement on the Establishment and Improvement of Standards Related to Auditor Independence. July 17, 2001. [Rel. No. 33-7993]
- Independence Standards Board To Cease Operations After Making Major Contributions to the Resolution of Difficult and Longstanding Auditor Independence Issues (Press Release, July 17, 2001; File name: 2001-72.txt)
- "Independence: A Covenant for the Ages" Remarks of Lynn E. Turner, Chief Accountant, to the International Organization of Securities Commissions, Stockholm, Sweden, June 28, 2001. (File name: spch504.htm)
- "Audit Committees: A Roadmap for Establishing Accountability" Remarks of Lynn E. Turner, Chief Accountant, at Corporate Accountability, Sponsored by the Washington University School of Law and the Institute for Law and Economic Policy, Scottsdale, Ariz., March 10, 2001. (File name: spch469.htm)
- "Audit Committees: A Call to Action" Remarks of Lynn E. Turner, Chief Accountant, at Accounting Irregularities II: What's an Audit Committee To Do?, Atlanta, Ga., February 21, 2001. (File name: spch468.htm)
- Application of Revised Rules on Auditor Independence: Frequently Asked Questions. Office of the Chief Accountant, January 16, 2001. (File name: audinfaq.htm)
- "Independence 'Matters'" Remarks of Lynn Turner, Chief Accountant, at the 28th Annual National Conference on Current SEC Developments, December 6, 2000. (File name: spch445.htm)
- "The Hallmark of the Profession, Serving the Public Interest" Remarks of Lynn Turner, Chief Accountant, at the 28th Annual National Conference on Current SEC Developments, December 5, 2000. (File name: spch437.htm)
- Revision of the Commission's Auditor Independence Requirements. November 21, 2000. Effective Date: February 5, 2001. [Release Nos. 33-7919; 34-43602; 35-27279; IC-24744; IA-1911; FR-56; File No. S7-13-00] (File name: 33-7919.htm)
- Opening Statement of Lynn Turner, Chief Accountant, at the Commission Open Meeting on Market Structure Initiatives in the Options and Equities Markets, and Rules Governing Auditor Independence (November 15, 2000; File name: ltaudind.htm)
- Fact Sheet: The Modernization of the Rules Governing the Independence of the Accounting Profession (November 15, 2000; File name: faqaud.htm)
- Chairman's Statement: at the Commission Open Meeting on Market Structure Initiatives in the Options and Equities Markets, and Rules Governing Auditor Independence (November 15, 2000; File name: levonai.htm)
- Commission Approves Auditor Independence and Market Structure Rules (News Story, November 15, 2000)
- "The Public's Profession" Remarks of Chairman Arthur Levitt, at the Fall Council of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Las Vegas, Nev., October 24, 2000. (File name: spch410.htm)
- Media Advisory: Chairman Levitt to Deliver Address at AICPA Conference (October 19, 2000)
- "Audit Committees: A Call to Action" Remarks of Lynn Turner, Chief Accountant, at the Accounting Irregularities II: What's an Audit Committee To Do?, New York, N.Y., October 5, 2000. (File name: spch414.htm)
- Transcript of the Third Public Hearing (Day 2) on Auditor Independence, September 21, 2000 (September 27, 2000; File name: audmin4.htm)
- Transcript of the Third Public Hearing (Day 1) on Auditor Independence, September 20, 2000 (October 5, 2000; File name: audmin3.htm)
- Transcript of the Second Public Hearing on Auditor Independence, September 13, 2000 (September 25, 2000; File name: audmin2.htm)
- Public Testimony Regarding Auditor Independence and the SEC's Proposal, Presented on September 21, September 20, September 13 and July 26, 2000. (File name: s71300t.htm)
- "A Profession at the Crossroads " Remarks of Chairman Arthur Levitt, before the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy, Boston, Massachusetts, September 18, 2000. (File name: spch399.htm)
- Agenda for Public Hearings on Proposed Auditor Independence Rules (News Story, September 5, 2000)
- Commission Extends Submissions Deadline for September 20 Hearing on Auditor Independence Rule Proposals (News Story, August 30, 2000)
- Extension of time period to submit materials for public hearing on September 20, 2000; location of hearings: Revision of the Commission's Auditor Independence Requirements. August 29, 2000 [Release Nos. 33-7883, 34-43219; File No. S7-13-00] (File name: 33-7883.htm)
- More Information on 2nd Hearing, September 13 (News Story, August 17, 2000)
- Transcript of the First Public Hearing on Auditor Independence , July 26, 2000 (August 16, 2000; File name: audmin.htm)
- Notice of Additional Hearings, August 10, 2000. (File name: 33-7880.htm)
- Public Testimony Regarding Auditor Independence and the SEC's Proposal, Presented on July 26, 2000. (File name: s71300t.htm)
- SEC Announces Schedule of Witnesses for Public Hearing on Auditor Independence; Schedule of Appearances, Public Hearing, July 26, 2000, 9:00 am 5:30 pm. (News Story, July 20, 2000)
- Public Hearing on Auditor Independence Rule Proposal Formally Set for July 26, 2000 (News Story, July 10, 2000)
- Notice of Hearings: Revision of the Commission's Auditor Independence Requirements, July 7, 2000. (File name: 33-7872.htm)
- Proposal To Modernize Auditor Independence Rules Available on SEC Website; First Public Hearing To Be Held July 26, 2000 (News Story, June 30, 2000)
- Comments on proposed rule: Revision of the Commission's Auditor Independence Requirements (comments received electronically only; File name: s71300.htm; see release - below - for comments deadline)
- Revision of the Commission's Auditor Independence Requirements (Comments are due on or before September 25, 2000). June 30, 2000 [Release Nos. 33-7870; 34-42994; 35-27193; IC-24549; IA-1884; File No. S7-13-00] (File name: 34-42994.htm)
- Remarks by Chairman Arthur Levitt at the Open Meeting on Proposals To Modernize Auditor Independence Rules (June 27, 2000; File name: audalvt.htm)
- Fact Sheet on the Commission's Proposal To Modernize the Rules Governing the Independence of the Accounting Profession (June 27, 2000; File name: audfact.htm)
- SEC Approves Issuance of Auditor Independence Rule Proposal (News Story, June 27, 2000)
- Chairman Levitt Issues Statement on the Report and Recommendations of the Panel on Audit Effectiveness (News Story, June 6, 2000)
- SEC Chairman Levitt Proposes Rulemaking, Other Measures To Maintain Quality of Financial Reporting; Concerned About Auditor Independence (News Story, May 10, 2000)